
Has anyone heard of vanage phone company?Is it a good phone company to have phone serv.Any suggestions,ideas?

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Has anyone heard of vanage phone company?Is it a good phone company to have phone serv.Any suggestions,ideas?




  1. Vonage Phone Service is provided over a high speed

    internet circuit.  It costs about $25.00 per month plus

    taxes and calls are unlimited within the USA and to some

    other locations to include parts of Europe.  It is a good

    service and there are other companies that provide the

    same service for about the same price, for example

    Packet 8.  The key is that you must have a high speed internet

    connection.  More information at the following web site. I have

    had VOIP service for about 5 years with excellent service.

    I did not have Vonage, but Packet 8.  You will not have normal

    911 service but you will have an alternate 911 service. If you

    internet goes down, so does your phone service.

  2. Do you mean Vonage?? They are a VOIP service.

  3. its the worst customer service in the USA..they are about to go out-of-business or the might try to sell the service to some other sucker...

  4. i  had it and it was the worst service i ever had i cancelled after 6 months, noise and static on the line, service tech every 3 days for 4 months and if the modme goes down so does your phone and you have to sign a disclamer before install that if it goes down and you can call 911 they have no liability, and if you do not sign the discliamer they will not install it it has to be aigned before they start the install

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