
Has anyone here actually seen a ghost?

by  |  earlier

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I had an experience recently, didn't see anything but definitly felt something. It was a cold hand touched that touched my foot, I woke up, turned on the lights and nothing was there but I knew somone was in the room. Besides experiencing poltergeist activity, has anyone seen one?




  1. Yes. I have seen one and some are actually nice. Like when my grandma died she stayed at her home which I moved into with my uncle and mom and she had a color in her orb which meant she was healing. I have also had a bad ghost which was a poltergeist created by negative energy and actually got pissed off at what my mom said and started taking form it scared her.

  2. I've seen what I believe to be two ghosts in my life, I'm an avid ghost hunter with my friends and as I was walking to his house at night in the darkest part of the street I saw a walking shadow going across the street when I reached for my flashlight the light went in and out of use, when my flashlight regained use only a couple seconds later the shadow of the figure was gone and I spent a couple minutes looking around for where that person could have gone and they disappeared. Another ghostly figure I thought was of an old man in his late 70's wearing a faded/wripped 3 piece suit in my house and I told him to leave and he was not wanted in my house and I haven't seen him since.

    On other locations, ghost hunting I heard humming and whistling of a young girl humming a song that put a picture of a mother breading her daughters hair. And i have a friend that was there and can vouch for me on that.

  3. An Angel touched me last night, can you guess where? lol jk jk

    I saw a ghost in the woods a few years ago. Very odd, kinda scary. It was a person wearing white and just standing there staring at me, like 50 yards off in the woods.

  4. no but i would like to because im such a skeptic

  5. Recently my sister and I switched rooms. I neve understood why she never sleeped in her room til la few days after moving in. It sounded like someone scratching at the closet door and my bad was shaking so I turned around and tried to ignore it this went on all night. Later like 4am I woke up out of a sound sleep to hear a little kid calling my name. These are no little kids at my house. I looked over the the closet and there was this white flash suddenly.

  6. Of course! but if a ghost appears to you, it might need your help, or it might just be an ancestor checking up on u. :)

  7. Hey J check this pic out!

  8. well, i used to have to cats, and they died a little while back. i am not sure if they are actually ghosts, but i have seen things on several occasions.

    i was in  my bedroom and my door was cracked open, it was nighttime. I looked closely and i could see something with yellow eyes looking inside my room (u know when it's dark and u can see cats eyes well) i thought that maybe it was my dog even though it was quite a small figure, i said come in! bcuz if it was my dog it would just walk in my room, but i opened my door all the way to see wat it was and nothing was there.

    there was also a time when i was on my computer and in the corner of my eye i saw a black cat walk towards my chair. this REALLY scared me bcuz one of the cats that i had died..........he was yeah idk if ghosts r real but i also dont know  if what I'm seeing are hallucinations or not.

    i do not lie

  9. No but I done seen a spook!

  10. For about 5 months every afternoon around 2:30 or 3:00,I would here someone run up the stairs in the house next door to mine. I thought it strange because only an older woman lived there and I knew she couldn't be doing it. I thought that her grandson had moved in because she was ill and the noise would be the time that he would get home from school.    Anyway,one afternoon I was getting in my car and she stopped me. As we talked, she asked me who was running up MY stairs? Her daughter had noticed it a few times when she had been there visiting. We exchanged stories and she told me that her ex husband had pasted away around the time the noise started, she also told me that she had cancer and that things did not look good for her. The noise continued until she pasted away.It must have been her husband letting her know he was waiting.

  11. i hav seen 3 in my old house and 1 in my new house. most ppl hav seen or heard or felt a ghost without even thinking about it! but 99% of ghosts wont hurt u. try 2 communicate with it and talk with it! and the most common symptoms of having an evil ghost is a sudden cold breeze and furniture, big or small, flyinf at u suddenly.

  12. I have actually witness a multitude of spirits on a multitude of separate occasion... And I have witness spiritual balls of light to full blow apparitions.... I have witness people who's hair turned white over night from fear to people that went totally insane from what they witness..... And the youngest was 11 and the oldest was in their 40's..... and it really looks weird to see 11-18 boys and girls with white hair.......And to have a poltergeist in your life is not fun either................................

  13. Havent seen one.but i believe they r there.hopefully someone explains it scientifically and mathematically.

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