
Has anyone here been a bride and had her period?

by Guest57958  |  earlier

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there must be nothing worse than having to wear that big poofy WHITE dress on ur rag! and at night, you can't consummate the marriage...torture? anyone been through this before?




  1. Go on the contraceptive pill, if you aren't on it already. If you are due for your period around the time of your wedding, then skip the inactive 'sugar' pills, and go straight onto the next active pill.

    This will trick your body into not having a period.

    I believe if you're on depo provera (the contraceptive injection) you don't get your period either. But allow some time for that as you can sometimes get breakthrough bleeding and spotting at first, which you don't want on your wedding day.

    Definitely best way is to go on the pill and skip the inactive pills.

  2. Yeah, ,I am due to get mine right near my wedding. Not Cool!! So I am going to skip it using my Birth Control pills. (just start a new pack, instead of taking the ones that let you get your period)

  3. that would suck

  4. YES! I don't think God personally had it in for you, lol  Try being sixteen, still shy about that kind of stuff and afraid to tell your new husband about it. It was awful! Good luck in your new marraige, its off to a great start!  

  5. Can't say that has happened to me but ya I totally agree that would really SUCK!

    Keep in mind though there are a good majority of newlyweds who do not consummate their marriage on thier actual wedding date. I did but I know many who did not as it is such a long exhausting day.

  6. I Think If They Found Out They'd Have Their Periods For Their Wedding Date Most Of Them - If On The Pill Would Miss Their Sugar Pill To Avoid It.

    & With The Amount Of Layers In A Wedding Dress, It Would Be VERY Doubtful That It Would Leak Thru... Unless She Wasn't Wearing Undies.

  7. Oh, please.  

    Everyone knows . . . consult your gynecologist.  There are ways to prevent having a period on the wedding day.  Consult your gynecologist well in advance of the wedding day.  Yes, even if you are a virgin . . . consult your gynecologist.

  8. I certainly wouldn't care.  I wouldn't adjust my birth control at all.  And as I don't use pads or tampons, I won't need to worry about leaks, should that happen to me.  I use a Diva Cup which is good for up to 12 hours before your have to empty and rinse it.  Even if I did use pads or tampons, I wouldn't have to worry about leaking on a white dress because I likely won't be wearing white, or ivory, or any similar color.  And no period has ever kept me from having s*x.  I certainly wouldn't let it on my wedding night, assuming my husband and I were up to having s*x on our wedding night.

  9. um kinda gross. but i guess thats why its best to pay attention to your month cycle, mark it down on the chart and add the marriage date to that. the dress is poofy anyway. so its not like the red stains can soak through the dress, unless you sit down and not wearing the pad proporly.

  10. I actually had my period on my one year wedding anniversary! It sucked! My mom recently got married and she was on the last day of her period on her wedding day!

    If you have this problem, and your on the pill, just keep taking the pill through out the "pill-less period" or when your supposed to take your sugar pills, just start a new pack and it will trick your body into thinking that you aren't supposed to have it yet!

    If you are not on the pill, I really have no advice for you!

    Good Luck!

  11. We can still do things to go around that...

    Girls on birth control skip one month, to avoid the "red visitor" on the wedding day/honeymoon

    The pharmacist I worked for said she'd hear of people using their diaphragms to keep "Mrs Flo" out of the way...

    I heard a tampon does the trick too, but you'd have a heck of a time retrieving the string after the fact...

    If he's brave enough to earn his "Red Wings", you could always do the deed in the shower. But that's not for the "faint of heart".

    All I know is, Where there's a will, there's a way... and I've had Plenty of will... ;)

  12. my wedding is a year away, but i'm tracking my cycle.

    If you're on the pill, skip the sugar/reminder pills and start a new pack.

    There is also a birth control pill out called Seasonale(Spelling?)  you only get your period 4 times a year...that way you can plan your wedding around that time of the month.

    They also have this product out called Instead, its usually in the tampon/pad aisle.  What it is its a small cup(kind of looks like a diaphram), you push it all the way inside can have s*x on period and the guy wont feel it. Plus its not messy.  To get it out, just bear down to push it out.

  13. I think people who are on the pill just skip the sugar pill week and go to the next pack so they don't even get it. If you do have it, you're not much more likely to stain your dress than your regular clothes! You'll have the rest of your lives to consummate. :)

  14. lol i always wanted to know thats why im gonna take note of my period cycles starting from now and  then plan the wedding accordingly  

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