
Has anyone here been in a real haunted house or experienced something paranormal in their own house?

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No jokes, please - trying to get serious answers.




  1. yea.. a lot of times.. when i wa syounger, i used to see a girl wearing a white gown pass by our hallway, then just a few months ago, me and my mom saw a man in the house... then sometimes our dog would be really frighthened or sometimes the doors just suddenly lock but when you go to get the keys they unlock by themselves... scary!

  2. Yes, the home I leased before getting the one I am in now was haunted by the original property owners.  I sure do miss them and the house.....sigh

  3. I lived in a haunted house in San Diego for about 2 years. Mostly just opening and closing the doors and foot steps across the room.  Some times heavy breathing in your ear after you turn out the lights.  Crashing  and banging noises. Made a walk through on Super Bowl Sunday and scared the c**p out everybody at the party.  Froze a bath tube of water solid in about 2 hours, in the summer time with 80 degree + weather.

    Also lived in a house that had a ghost cat running down the hall in the 80's and that cat is still there from what my ex wife says.

  4. As with alien abductions, most ghost sightings happen either when someone is going to sleep or else just waking up.  That to me is far too much of a coincidence to ignore.  I think many people truly believe they have experienced ghosts, but despite all of the sightings and all of the investigations there has not been one single shred of evidence to suggest they exist.  Neither is there any serious explanation of how something that isn't physical displays physical behavior.  I chalk it all up to fantasy-prone personalities, imagination/dreaming or suggestibility.

    A wise man once said, "There are no such thing as haunted places--only haunted people."  Based on my experience I would have to agree with him.

  5. spirits i don't know but ya satan do exist which r made of fire and they acquire the shape and forms of many animals some times they appear as snakes, lizard . some times they pretend to be the spirit of dead ones. and they talk to us through medium as well.

  6. Yes, i lived in one with my kids for two years. Many things happened there that were really strage including doors that were dead bolted opening by themselves. (the type using a key to open both sides) many many other things happened there, I made excuses so my kids wouldnt be alarmed. I dont think that worked.

  7. Yes to all of your questions.  You wanted people to give you serious answers yet you have a few who answered you with jokes.  And, they aren't even funny nore true.

        I have honestly lived in or stayed at homes that were haunted.  I saw my first ghost at the age of 5 and it was not because I had been asleep and dreamed or had been asleep and just woke up.  I was quite awake and when I saw this lady I screamed for my grandmother.  She came very quickly and put me and my 4 year old brother who also saw her into her lap while she sat in a rocking chair.

         I was told that neithe myself or my brother were making anything up and took us then out of that room and put us to bed in the livingroom and she slept in a chair right by us.  I never stayed in that room again.

        My husband and I bought a haunted house and it is documented.  All of my mother's sister and her mother lived in haunted houses as well.

      I would go over to a friends house for the night and would find out it was haunted as well.  I have pictures of real apparitions that look so real and alive that you could touch them.  I belong to a Parnormal Group and we do investigative work and research.  We have over 10.000 pictures to prove that ghosts and spirits are real as well as demons.

        We have plenty of recorded EVPs as well. I have seen a little girl in our house that is about 4 years old.  I have had friends of mine come over and at different times and ask me who the girl is that is standing by our front do is.  None of these people knew each other nor were any of them here at the same time.  They have all given the same descpition of this girl.  She is said to be about 12 or 13.  I have not seen her myself though.

         There have been so many paranormal things happen in this house.

    I have grown up with this, I don't know whether to call it a curse or a gift.

        If you would like to see any of the apparitions that I have, just E-Mail me and I will send you some.  I have one taken 2 weeks ago and the it is a full body apparition of a female and you can even tell what she is wearing.  Good Question and since starting the Paranormal Group it has been a relief to know that it is all true and one is not crazy and alone with these thoughts.  You might try looking into joining a Paranormal Group yourself and you would get first hands on knowledge for yourself.

  8. I live right down the street from a haunted house-they give tours and stuff but I haven't been inside it yet.  

    "Ghost Hunters" actually investigated it a few years ago, but that was before I moved here ("Ghost Hunters" is a paranormal reality show on the scifi channel).

  9. Yes, I have....You may too, if you join the psychic research society.....Look up in your phonebook.

  10. when i was still living at home i heard a female voice call my name but there was nobody there

  11. This may just be paranoia but ill tell you and let you decide. When I was younger, my mother and I moved into this house and we noticed that in the bathroom, the walls were tile but they were painted over. We thought that was really wierd but we didnt say anything. So she bought the house and we moved in, a couple of months later she decided to strip the paint off of the tile. Well after doing that in the bath tub part there was a hole in the wall. Like if you were to sit down in the tub. So we found out that this old man who lived there before us had cancer and shot himself in the head while his mother and wife were shopping on mothers day. Sooooo not like a day later or anything I would say maybe 6 months to a year later I started to notice that when I would walk into my moms room I would always smell cigar smoke (no one im my house smoked) and we could never figure out what that was. Then one night I had a birthday party with a bunch of girls over and I got a stereo as a present (brand new) well I had it plugged in and turned on and the volume just started to go up really really loud by itself. So I tried to turn it off and it wouldnt go off, i unplugged it and it stayed on for about 5 more seconds then went off. Other than that the only other thing would be the incredibly eerie feeling I had when taking showers, I could never close my eyes, i had to wash one eye at a time cause i would get so scared. I also hear music at night, not from the tv or the neighbors just music, mostly old sounding music its really annoying but ive gotten used to it, my mom has the exact same thing happen to her and we didnt even realize it until a couple of months ago

  12. Ghost's don't exist. They are Satan and his fallen Angles using their Angelic power about dead people to try to make people think Ghosts exist. God plainly says in the Bible that dead peoples spirit cannot come back to the earth. :)

  13. Actually i know how you feel , no one believed my stories and I almost felt as if I was going insane.  I finally found a paranormal investigator and he supported my facts that there were spirits in the location

  14. The limit to my experience in feeling very strongly that I was no longer alone when I was....this feeling was so strong that I started to talk to an empty room fully expecting someone to answer....I ended up just asking it to not throw any bottles at my head...but other that that nothing. I have never seen anything. But this does not mean I don't believe.

  15. part 1-sleeping by myself in my sons room, felt a finger flip my lip and I opened my eyes immediatley expecting the wife to be standing there cause its something she likes to do. The room was empty and it was pitch dark.

    part 2-saw a child walk by the doorway, thought it was my 3 year old so I walked out into the living room to see what he was doing-no one was in the room

    The wife says it is the spirits of three children that roam our house, she hears them quite frequently.

  16. I'm not 100% sure if the following was paranormal or just imagination getting the best of me/us.

    There's an abandoned sanitarium in our area and I asked my son if he too would be interested in going inside the building. Of course he did.

    The building has been vacant since the early 70s, and is full of abspestis <sp> and the county doesn't want to pay to have the building torn down. The building is in bad shape, all the windows are broken out of their frames, the roof is full of holes, the floors have holes in them too.

    Well, as we entered the building, we thought we heard a car on the gravel  outside of the building, we thought we might have been seen going in the building and the cops were called. We walked slowly towards a window to see if in fact there was a car outside, thankfully there wasn't it. So how do we explain the noise made just as we entered the building?

    As we walked through the building, Stephen King came to mind, what a perfect place to use in one of his movies. The hallways are long, rooms line the hallways. At the end of one long hallway, was an old gurney, it was once used of course to wheel sick ppl to the medical ward. I thought, if only that gurney could talk, the stories it could tell.

    All of a sudden, birds flew at us and they came at us without warning, as fast as they appeared, they disappeared just as fast. It was wild, my son and I looked at each other and said, 'What the heck was that and where did they all come from?" You'd really have to be there to appreciate what happened.

    We walked from floor to floor, taking pics and also recording [camcorder] most of what we saw.

    We finally reached the roof where there was a chapel. As my son walked by an air vent that usually spins on windy/breezy days, it began to spin, only problem, there was no wind/breeze/etc., to make the air vent move. We looked at each other and said, "What's making that move, are we alone, or is there someone else with us?"

    Our time in the building was awesome!! We might have encountered some things we couldn't explain, but that doesn't mean it's paranormal, or does it?

    We had the pics developed and we checked them for anything out of the norm, we found nothing, not even orbs.

    In closing, there was a group [like that of TAPS...ghost hunters], who investigated the building in 2004. According to the site, one of the members disappeared and hasn't been seen since. Also, they clain there's a little girl in a white dress who walks around in the basement. [That sounds all too familiar] And there's a small video clip showing the girl. You can buy their movie from the site I'm writing about, however, as a person who knows a lot about the building, I would tell you to save your money. What's in the movie about the building is not accurate and is very misleading. I'm writing this from first hand knowledge, until there is more evidence proving the building is haunted or possess spirits of those who died, I would say, neither exist. But then.......

  17. No I haven't.In my opinion only folks oblivious to reality believe they have.

  18. When I was young I lived in a house that had a spirit who refused to leave.  He used to do silly things like open the bread box and throw the bread across the room.  He also loved to hammer away in the night, and would stop as soon as we touched the door to the room he was working in.   We found out that the man who started building the house we lived in fell off the roof and died before the house was finished....  he did us no harm, and we let him work away, and make his lunch sandwiches with our bread!

  19. yes I was brought up for a few years in a house with spirits I saw one once when I woke up in the middle of the night she was sat on the bed next to my sister with her knees tucked up under her arms, very pretty in what Id describe as a Victorian looking night dress, I was scared to breath in case she heard me I was afraid she'd talk to me so I put my head under the covers and fell back to sleep.

  20. i was walking down the stairway in my house once, and it was pitch black. all the sudden, i got a tightness in my chest and as i started to walk, something pushed me back and i could make out the outline on a figure. I dont believe in ghost, but demons? yes. it shook me up pretty bad.

  21. No... never had any experiences like that

  22. I've been in houses or locations purported to be haunted, but didn't see anything unusual. In my own house nothing strange has happened defying ordinary explanation.

  23. I know quite a few people who have experienced this. But my question is, why do some people only believe in spirits on Sundays.  They're all at church, not in anyone's house.  Mama always said that ghosts won't hurt you, but they'll make you hurt yourself!

  24. yes..I share my home with a young man named Mike.he died of caner at 28,and he's quite the comedian.He's also very protective of me and my son.theres a cat here to that is still his and stays around but wont let you to close.the other day when I was cat napping,he decided to wake me up by having a singing contest in my ear.He also has all kind of fun with the turning them off at the best part of the movie....especially the endings.I've always been involved with the paranormal in one way or another. Had a few really scary moments,but mostly I find them  incredibly interesting and fortunate enough to have them in contact with me. It will be odd not to hear,see and sense them.                blessed be

  25. if you yourself is still a mystery to you then that's a good place to start looking.... i've been around myself for 15 years because i work in this area, everything is only energy that takes in a personal or impersonal form where we can interpret it and relate to it, depends on who's looking! there may be aliens out there, but if you go to their world then you are called an alien yourself! if we are still strangers in our own land then we better start looking around! you won't find the answers around you....

  26. I am currently writing a book called 'A Phenomenal Life' that would be a nice answer to your question. Let me summarize some of the points.

    Firstly, in direct answer to the question "yes". I avoid the use of the word 'paranormal' since it is so ill-defined (being in Wikipedia doesn't make it 'well-defined'. But I believe I understand what you are looking for.

    Haunted places, houses, hotels, factories and even battlefields do exist. They are real. But here's the interesting part. Only about 15 percent of all reports cannot be explained by natural causes or hallucination. I know this is difficult to accept, especially if you believe you've had such an experience, but study after study by research parapsychologists (not ghost hunters) known as 'meta-analyses' have substantiated this percentile over the past 20 years or so.

    In 40 years of doing this, I have experienced quite a number of phenomena in a variety of locations. I have a friend who I think has more experience than any other person alive. Recently he told me he had conducted an amazing 4000 investigations in 40 years. Many of these were dismissed in one day, but others went on for months. The most famous of these is the "Entity" case, of which a book and a movie were made.

    Most recently, I have been working with a medium at the Hotel del Coronado in Coronado, California. We have discovered, through conversations with the dead (I am not joking here btw, this is very serious stuff) that the identity of a woman who was thought to have suicided at the Hotel in 1892 is wrong and that in fact she is not a suicide at all. More work needs to be done to historically validate the communications from this woman, but this is an example of phenomena of the highest order, and it has been around, patiently waiting for someone who could hear it for 115 years.

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