
Has anyone here been in a relationship with someone with depression?

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The guy I'm dating has recently been diagnosed with depression. He has a lot of issues but I'm beginning to understand it all abit more and he's beginning to let me in. All of my friends are saying "stay away" and "don't bother" but I think that's a cop-out attitude, I don't see how wanting to be with him is any different to wanting to be with anyone. Anyway, has anyone here been in a relationship with someone with depression? Is it impossible/possible? What should I prepare myself for?




  1. It's very possible to deal with.  Try to prepare yourself for guilt trips and make sure to reassure the person that you care about them.  Most people just need an open ear and to know that some cares and wants to hear what they have to say.

  2. Lia he's still a person with or without depression. You sound as you are a nurturing person and is willing to help him through. You may be the medication to his problem. With a strong mind and strong support he can overcome depression. Everybody get depressed one time or another. If you love him, stick it out with him. I'm sure you guys will be fine, it's not like he's psycho.  

  3. I haven't been with anybody dealing with depression, but I've been diagnosed with depression myself. I guess what I would say is, be patient (like you have) and let him take things at his pace. If he's just recently been diagnosed then he might be dealing with issues from long ago that he's just now confronting. If he hasn't confronted them until now it's going to be difficult to talk to somebody else about them.

    Don't be surprised if you see a lot of ups and downs. Once somebody has been depressed, especially seriously, they are a lot more susceptible to being depressed again.  And although he may feel good for weeks, the slightest thing could  send him on the down hill slope again.

    The biggest thing is, don't let him bring you down. He may not even mean to, but if he’s depressed you may start to feel depressed. But If you feel alright, and you want to be with him then that's great. But don't do it out of pity. That could lead to long term problems and resentment.

  4. I have. It's very possible.

    Let the guy know that you are there for him every step of the way, although he might try to take stuff out on you sometimes. At the end of the day, you love him and he loves you and something like this shouldn't get in the way of that.

    I'm still with the guy now and it's been 3 months. So it is indeed very possible. I wish you luck :-)

  5. You have to be very patient. But be very careful You might turn into one if you not ready for it.

    Find otu what is the reason if his depression. Mostly it's not much...Career,Money,family PAst. So when you know the problem you will be able to fix it with him together.

    I fixed my bf and now I am him. Im trying not to be tho.Ask yourself Are u ready for it?

    If not strong enough don't risk.

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