
Has anyone here been to Vietnam - going shortly - what are the "must do's"?

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Has anyone here been to Vietnam - going shortly - what are the "must do's"?




  1. Go to Mui Ne ,it is a beautiful beach and cheap hotel next to the beach.Go to Vinh Long . a city next to Mekong river.Go to Saigon and Hanoi ,nice city with a lots thing to do,Go to Hue, an old city.

  2. Must do's, I not sure if there is such of a thing for Vietnam. Vietnam to me is not a place you just go to see a list of sights, it’s a place you step into and then feel your way around. The streets of Saigon are something that I doubt you could ever discover all of what is there; like peeling an onion, one layer gives way to another, similar but just a little different.

    Their is always easy smiles to be had from a passer by but not all are what they seem... A communist Country also, though as in China things are changing but it’s still a one party system.  This is a complex culture so it takes time to assimilate your self into what you’re seeing.

    I've been traveling to Vietnam and that part of Southeast Asia regularly for the past five years.  Have a web site you might find interesting  Doug

  3. i never been vietnam the nice country.

  4. There is a lot to do in Vietnam. One of the must go places is Da Nang. It is very beautiful. But be aware that if you are a foreigner (not Vietnamese), they will probably treat you differently than Vietnamese people from foreign countries. Sometimes you will be treated better and sometimes they will take advantage of you. So remember to considr the price of everything before buying and bargain. At the airport, they probabl will not try to take money from you as they usually do to Vietnamese from othe places. So have fun and try to aviod any food that is sold by street vendors.

  5. a dozen times.  first off meet the people they are just wondrefull. thats not to say you cant get scammed and husteled.. you will if you alow it. by  anyone selling a service. dont be afraid to bargin or to walk away from a bargin.. but take time to talk with the viet namese people.   places to go, nha trang, stay at the dong phuong on nguyen thien thuat street. i also like hoi an but only for a day or two. ive never been but i understand the river boat ride in hue is good. if you have time to travel take the train, if your in a hurry take a plane, busses are ok , but take dramamine. the climate in dalat is the best but its not such a friendly town. i preffer the night life in sai gon.... check the viet nam category on this site, check out the answers on other peoples questions.. if i knew how you wanted to travel [ backpacker or upscale] i could advise you better... chek out all the other question and their response.

  6. Ha Long Bay - real beautiful. You can sleep on a boat - both budget trips & upmarket. Chu Chi tunnels & the war museum in Saigon are v moving.

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