
Has anyone here been to the Filene's Basement bridal sale?

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I'm going wedding dress shopping at the Filene's Basement bridal sale next Friday. I've been told it's a crazy mad dash for incredibly discounted designer dresses. Does anyone have any advice for this event? What time should I show up? What should I bring?




  1. Bring friends! Not for the fun aspect, but to protect you and the dresses you want to try on or that you like. I saw a television show that followed two or three brides as they participated in the "Running of the Brides" at Filene's Basement. These girls had TEAMS, and they needed them. One girl's job was just to guard the pile of dresses that were possibilites, because people would come by and try to take dresses from it! Other girls helped pull dresses from racks, and still others helped the bride change so that she could try all those dresses on.

    Best of luck! Hope you find one you love.

  2. I went last January and it was so much fun.  I brought my sister (MOH) and my now mother-in-law.  We just made a day of it and I ended up with a gorgeous dress!  I ended up getting my dress for $250 and it was a dress that would normally be over $2000.  Wear a tank top or tube top and bicycle shorts or something (or whatever you'll be wearing under your dress), because there are no dressing rooms.  I just had the people I went with go get dresses and I tried them all on.  I told them specifically what I was looking for and had some pics of random dresses (dropped waist, silk).  We found the perfect dress!  I'd get there before they open, we got there about 15 min. after and most of the dresses were off the rack, but we were still able to bargain dresses that I found for other dresses I wanted.  Bring people who aren't afraid to go try to get dresses from others, if they are shy, they may not be help with that (but may be helpful in helping you get dressed and stuff).  Some people had signs "Size 3-5", ""Size 12 Vera Wang" or "Size 6 Ivory" and so on, but we didn't.  Just go and open yourself up to what is going on and have fun!!

  3. My sister is getting married next May and she went to one of these not too long ago. They said there were people lined up outside of the store before it opened. I also agree with the previous comment...bring friends. The way it worked was there were so many people, you just ran and grabbed dresses. Even if you didn't look at them. The more you could grab, the more you could try on and then choose from. Good Luck!

  4. I haven't gone, but, one of my cousins did.

    1) wear something skin tight (like your bathingsuit or a sports bra & bike shorts) You will be trying on the dresses right in the middle of the floor with everyone around & do not want to waste time undressing

    2) if you do not like to fight with people over dresses, go later in the day. My cousin went about 4 hours after it opened & didn't have to run around or anything.

    3) bring a bunch of friends. Have them go out & grab as amny dresses they can carry...regardles sof the size & style. Then, when they take them back to you, you can decide which you want to try on. (people will then try to use their unwanted dresses to barter with other brodes for theirs)

    4) Not all dresses are the $99 that they say. You will get a great deal on one, but, do not go expecting to only pay $100.

    5) Everything is sold as-is. So, before you make your final purchase, make sure you look over the dress to make sure there are no rips/tears/etc from people trying it on or just in general (or, at least make sure that it is something that could be fixed)

    Here's a link I found about it

    I would do it, but, I tend to get anxiety attacks when I'm in a place with so many people (&, esp. since people will be shoving & grabbing)

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