
Has anyone here driven to east germany - near dresden?

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what is the best route?...should i do it in one day or two?

are there routes to avoid?




  1. There is an East of Germany of course but they do not call it East Germany anymore due to its reference to DDR days. That is why they keep telling you that.

    You are talking more geography I think, yes there is an East just not called East Germany any more by name for that reason.

    You can get maps from mapquest and also from Google earth that will give you maps and routes.

    This should help you. I usually take A4 from Frankfurt to Weimar in the east but that is not near Dresden. You need a different route.

  2. I see no problem with your question.

    Of course there is an east Germany. It's the area more on the eastern side of the country.

    Hint: This is the area opposite west Germany.

    While you're in Dresden I recommend you hook up with the baby penguin. JK

  3. I live in Dresden, but you didn't say where you want to come from.

  4. The best route from where?

    Other german Cities? Take the train.

    Want to use your car? Then you should use the big Highways. If you want to avoid possilbe traffic you should not drive workdays at the morning and evening.

  5. First of all there is no East Germany anymore since 1990.

    To find the best route use google maps as I don't know wherefrom you are going to start hard to tell weather doing it in one or two days is better but most of Germany can be done in one day.

    There is no routes to avoid.

    Hope that helps.

    For more information don't hesitate mailing me through my profile on here.

    EDIT: East Germany used to be a synonyme for former GDR lol and it is conidered not political corect still using this term.


  6. First there is no longer an east Germany, just Germany.

    Second if you mapquest the route, using the choices given you can get a map at your fingertips; provided you have a printer to print out the directions.

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