
Has anyone here ever been to Brazil and what is it like?

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  1. Brazil is a beautiful country with some amazing sights.  Rio De Janeiro is a great city but there are many unsafe areas.  Fortaleza has amazing sights and is much safer than Rio.  Manaus is a good place to go for a jungle trip into the Amazon.  We went into the Amazon for 2 days and were amazed at how peaceful it is (remember to get your Yellow Fever shots and buy your Malaria pills).  Marajo Island is also a very relaxing place to stare out into the Atlantic.  It helps to learn some Portugeuse as not a lot of people speak English (depending on where you are).  Anyone that tells you Brazil is unsafe obviously hasn't traveled a lot.  As long as you use common sense, you will have the trip of a lifetime.

  2. yeah, that "burn" whatever dude was high or something ^^^ anyway...Futebol (soccer), laid back, outgoing, but we do have a reputation of being in one of the most dangerous countries in the world. Favelas (like ghettos, but much worse) are all around the country. heres a video to show you how it is

    this applys to every city in Brasil

    Remember, Brasil is a 3rd world country, along with south+central america, its very different from America, there will be a 'culture shock'...were very big on respect, you tourists need respect our people, culture, etc. just like we respect you.  

  3. Brazil has one of the highest crime/homicide rates in the world, most of the population is extremely poor, and 99.99% of the population in Brazil is Black like this

    Basically Brazil looks like a poor African country, when you walk the streets of any Brazilian city you think you are in the Congo or the Sudan. If you are not Black than you will stick out like a sore thumb in Brazil because there extremely very few Nonblacks who live in Brazil. When I was in Brazil I could count on one hand the number of people I saw there who were not Black. Trying to tell Brazilians apart from Nigerians, Kenyans, Ghanans, Angolans, Congoids, etc is like trying to tell apart North Koreans from South Koreans. 99.99% of Brazilians look like their name is Kunta Mufasa.

  4. tropical climate ,  all year hot  even in winter.

    beautiful ppl, smallest bikini in the world,

    great hospitality, prostitution.

    crime, be careful

    but there is police around  

  5. Brazil is different, depending on the place you are. There are places like Londrina, where everybody is blond with blue eyes, places like Paulista Avenue, that remembers Manhattan, others like Salvador, that remembers african countries. I recommend you to take a look at the cities on Google Earth: Rio de Janeiro, Florianópolis, Brasília, Recife and Fortaleza, for instance. There are thousands of "ratial" groups, that changes along the cities and even neighbourhoods. Brazil is a country as large as USA, and not a violent shanty-town full of prostitutes that you saw on your american television.  

  6. Don't mind what that burn notice avatar wrote, his statistics are completely wrong: 99.99% of brazilian population is black! Haha, he doesn't know anything. I don't know where he went, because Brazil has a lot of different cultures in only one country, which is amazing, here you will see, black, white, yellow, mulatos and etc. It's a beutiful country from north to south. It's much more than only  Rio or São Paulo. Don't believe everything you see on tv, there are a lot of stereotypes regarding Brazil and they are not all true.

    Here you will see how wrong and ridiculous our friend's statistics are.

  7. well i've been to Brazil and i'll tell you, it's FUN! it's really cool depending on where you stay, the people are nice, in a rowdy, hyper active way, you'll have quite a workout there for sure.  A lot of the sight seeing is nice, very preserved, I won't say it's a rural place due to the industrialization influence there.  Oh and the one thing that is something to consider is the crime, i'm not bashing Brazil but there were some places that had people who had bad intentions, but the authorities were there.  Of course if you plan to stay in hotels and what not then you'll like it, that was just my choice to go to the more run-down places

  8. I lived in Brazil in my younger days and it was fun because you have more freedom but don't go to the bad parts of Brazil that's bad but the other parts are real fun and its really beautiful especially the animals in the tropics if your going to Brazil go their but make sure your safe because the jungle is dangerous.  

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