
Has anyone here ever had a paranormal/supernatural expierience?

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I have, well, i was in an old caravan and just about to sleep when this voice whispers in my ear "hello darling" i tell you, it gave me the creeps! this happend in england btw moved here last year, but im still a kiwi! =D and when my Dog died of internal bleeding (in nz) i was sooo upset and i looked in the mirror and at the corner of my eye, i could see my baby =] it wasnt scary or anything, just comforting to know he was okay =]




  1. Nope.

    But it is one of those question that has interesting and different answers.

  2. yes i have.  my hamster died that day and i was crying so hard bc i grew rly attached to it.  then i lifted to head up to look around and i saw whiskers [ my hamsters name] run straight across the floor and down the hall.  it gave me false hopes because i thought he was alive.  but when i looked he was still in the cage dead.  then i figured out it was his spirit and he was going to to be ok. =]

  3. Yes,I rescued some seagulls from the beach & took them to the rspca-who said they would release them when they were better. A few weeks later I was walking my dog but he vanished,close to the spot I rescued the seagulls-Suddenly a seagull kept swooping down at me & circling in a strange motoin above my head.Somehow I started followng it-It lead me back home a mile away-& there was my dog waiting for me on the doorstep-I am convinced thats one of the seagulls I rescued !

  4. I have had too many to list here. The 'paranormal' is just science we haven't figured out yet.

  5. In case you don't know how to get to the history...put your question in again and below you'll see "similar questions"...go to them.(unless there's another way to get to history that I don't know about ) Also, I'm not sure about this..but I think all or most questions first go to the "General Category" before they come here. That gives people who don't even know about this section a chance to answer. I know that I see a lot of names (Avatars) on here that aren't usually on I guess that's where they come from.  So sorry about your dog....I lost mine to heart worms a few months ago. Sure wish I could know she's ok. It gives me hope when I hear that others like you have heard from theirs.

  6. no i haven't but sorry about your dog

  7. I have never had an experience that didn't have a natural explanation, except while dreaming.

    This question is asked just about every day.  If you aren't finding interesting stories here (or in the previous question) you might like to search in the history.

  8. Try this one for size.

    We live in a house, which, along with the other side of the semi, is thought to be haunted. Our neighbour was born and lived the whole of her 95 years in the next dor part of the semi. When I was called to rescue her, when she fell down her stairs (she was blind) one of the things we talked about (or rather she rabbited on about) was that she was answering the "ghost" and lost her footing!

    Now three generations of my family have now experienced a catalogue of inexplicable events in the house, but none of them particularly threatening.......... just beyond rationalisation......... from flying objects to stange noises and transient figures in certain parts of the house........... Even the CAT refuses, at times, to enter certain rooms!

    Coincidental to these happenings I found myself sitting with my wife's best friend for six weeks, in hospital, while she died of cancer. It was a particularly hard thing to do, but we were friends.

    A few months ago, our daughter-in-law, who lives with us in this quite large house, was enjoying a girls evening at the Pub up the road. She was perturbed when a stranger (female) accosted her and told her that there is an interdimensional portal in our house!

    As I said, she was spooked!

    A few days later, while leafing through one of our family photo albums, she came across a photo of the strange lady.

    It was a photo of our dead friend.

    Now THAT IS Spooky!

  9. we used to live in a house across the street from a graveyard, not just because of that we thought our house was haunted.

    My mom heard something bumping downstairs in the middle of the night, and she went down to see what was there. She would always look around, and in one of the rooms, she could see something glowing, like a faint light coming from the cracks underneath one of the closed doors.

    It also used to turn off our heater and turn on the air in the winter, and turn on the heat in the summer. It obviously didn't want us there and bothered the c**p out of our family until we eventually had to move.

    Thats why i beleive in the paranormal so much.

    ps- sorry about your dog.

  10. Nope.

  11. Yes, someone has, and as it turns out it was you.

  12. Peter D. is right, this same question is asked atleast once a week and I have asked it a few times myself. I love the feed back that I have received. It is getting a little stale for us to keep repeating our answers over and over.... that is why you are not receiving a lot of feedback. We just do not want to appear dumb in saying the same things over and over. If you look back into the history of similar questions you will find some very detailed answers. Also try going to he has re-printed many of our tellings on that site.

    I have never had a whispering in my ear as so many have,,, but once a (ghost?) annoyingly crinkled paper into my ear for about 5 minutes while I could not move. It woke me from a dream state. That was most irksome. Ihave had thoughts implanted in my head from somewhere. Once, I was walking down the street and the thought "Win for Life" popped into my head... I had never heard of this game but when I looked up there was a sign advertising this lottery ticket  in the window. You can  bet I went in and purchased my two dollar ticket. I won $40.00 and I took the money and ran. So, not such a great story, but the point is that I was told what to do, i followed and I benefited from some kind soul up there that knew what the next ticket was.

    I have received 24 hour notice of events that were of importance and I believe that I have random esp. No, Peter I cannot prove it until the next time I am fore-warned. ha. But I will be sure to e-mail you direct.

    Also, I have just joined a chat site called MF most of their members are from the UK and the time zone is a little wacky for me. They are on midnight as I wake up at 8... but I am meeting some great and knowledgeable people in between the normal jibberish and chat. I had an amazing experience last night with lighting candles and reading them as one of the members walked me through it.  Atleast you won't feel different or strange there.  MF stands for Mystic Familiar and it costs like $6.00 a month. Well worth the price. I am enjoying it.

    I welcome you to this part of YA... and once again I am sorry that we are not all eager to keep re-telling you stories that we have all told atleast twice. You can e-mail me and I would be glad to trade stories with you anytime. Good Luck on your search.... and I hope that you will find as many wonderful answers as I have on this site and the two that I recommended. Also, I have had the complete pleasure of enjoying some side e-mails with some of the answerers on this site. In fact a few that have answered this question.

    P.S. I am so sorry about your baby. SHe will be there to welcome you to the Other Side when you are ready to make the transistion. My cousin Mary saw her dog Happy 2 days before she died of terminal cancer. She looked over to the side of her bed in the hospice and said "Oh Look there's Happy".... he came to guide her home.

  13. I have way to many too list. I always know when something bad is going to happen I have funny feelings.  If I tell my husband that he is going to hear from an old school friend or someone he ususally does.  It's creepy I know but everyone always listens to me.  My friend had her car keys stolen at a party and I told her she would find them in a hedge not far from her house,  by a stone gatepost, she scoured the hedges in the lane and she found them in exactly the situation I said she would.

  14. Yes

    What do you want to know??

    I can not give you any answers and can not help you.

    whats a kiwi

    You say your dog died in nz what is nz I have not heared of this disease in dogs ?

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\whats this eye thing?

    luck be with you Ian

  15. Yes these things do happen.  I really dislike the voice thing too!  The ghosts think it's funny I guess!

  16. I was at home one and i was just cutting an apple for my brother, and i accidently cut myself. I didn;t notice and just ket cutting. Afterwards when i was cleaning up i saw blood and i decided to follow it. It was funny i walked all around my house following me blood.

  17. My electric alarm clock stopped at the exact time that my grandfather died, in another state!

  18. read my answer in Ninnx3s question.

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