
Has anyone here ever had or thought they had paranormal experience?

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I was putting some clothes in the washer and then all of sudden something brush the back of my thigh. It was so obvious that I turned really quickly thinking it may have been my dog or my husband. My dog was outside and my husband was in the bathroom. He would have not had time to mess with me like that then run to the bathroom. It was like having someone tap you on the shoulder then duck down so you don't see them. I never had anything like that happen and it has been bugging me and no I was not on any type of drugs or alcohol nor have I ever been. I just thought it was weird. I am a naturally curious person so I am pretty open minded to experiences. Any ideas? Describe any experience you may have had I would love to read it.




  1. yes one time i was cleaning my room u no. listening to music, rockin', etc. when all of a sudden something touched my hair like "stroked" it. it scared the cr@p out of me but i got over it. so it doesn't bug me but i still wanna no what it was like u.


  2. One time I was at a stop light.  The light turned green but I had no motivation to proceed.   The car behind me blew their horn and I looked behind me but it didn't seem to matter.  I looked to the left at a car coming down the road and I watched it as it went thru its red light then I felt like proceeding.  I realized then that something strange had happened and that I must have known that the car needed to safely get thru that light.  There are other stories but they have to do with paranormal situations concerning friends or family.

  3. I recently posted this answer to a similar question. I did not actually see this presence, but I felt her.

    While my husband was dying last year his mother was here in the house with us for months (she passed away more than 20 years ago). I felt her comforting presence many times, and she was seen in our house on 4 separate occasions by 4 different people.

    Most of the time she stayed in the upstairs hallway - I was very aware of her there. Sometimes she came into our bedroom. When my husband was sleeping he would sometimes smile and wave to someone, and I always believed it was her. At other times he spoke to me as if I was beside him, when I was actually on the other side of the room.

    I talked to her a number of times, and the last time I talked to her it was to tell her that her son, my husband, was no longer in the house as he had gone to palliative care. I think she was a bit confused about where he was, as we had often left the house for hours or days at a time, but until then he had always come back. At that time I told her that she needed to come with me and I would take her to him, and she did come with me, and I never again felt her in the house.

    The last interesting part about this story is that I just got back to my house a few days ago after being away for three months. For those three months I was very sad, but since I have been here in the house I know that I feel different - settled, content. It is as if my husband is here - something is making me feel more content, and I believe in some way, it is him.

  4. may be a few

  5. Paranormal experience is a common human phenomenon.  Most people can describe experiences of deja vu, rapture, premonitions, out of body experience, etc.  The question is "Do these experiences result from external, paranormal force like God or spirits?"

    Researchers have discovered that certain areas of the brain are responsible for profound, paranormal experiences.  In fact, many drugs or neurological conditions are known to trigger these experiences.

    The experience is obviously real.  It's up to you to determine what you believe.

  6. Ok :)

    Well this is the experience on how i got started in the paranormal as an investigator it is when i was younger and becoming an investigator is how i got affected later :

    “I was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking. We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there in the home struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack when i was sitting down and watching tv and shortly after My mom had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bed at night on a daily basis.”

    But here recently My team and I went on an investigation and to our astonishment it was the first time this type of an experience happened (intelligent tapings from a presence)... We heard similar claims at this business we were at where the owner heard some noises in the room and she asked since she had seen stuff on TV such shows as "Ghost Hunters, Paranormal Documentaries etc. if it was intelligent it would communicate well she asked please tap once for yes and twice for no and she had asked do you want us to leave and it tapped once.... We had asked this same spirit or entity because we heard similar noises in the same room to what she heard and describe and we asked could we ask you questions and it tapped once and asked it few more got some no's and some yes's , we figured it had to be the plumbing or animal or heater(furnace) or something but everything was working properly and there were no animals around, so can i say it was truly a night of experiences i got the rest written down on my report but i won't list all right now to much if you are curious you can visit my site all my reports are on there and so is this one from this investigation i was referring to, but there is so much activity i have experienced through out my life!

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~


  7. I have never had an experience that required a paranormal explanation.

  8. Going on what you've described, I'd suggest that it was a piece of clothing that you dropped while putting them into the dryer, brushing the back of your thigh. Either that, or a muscle spasm. There are natural explanations if you look for them.

  9. I was house sitting for the boyfriend of my bestfriend after she died from breast cancer.  I was in a room downstairs when I heard a very loud noise up stairs.  My 29 yr. old son was at the house with me, and I thought perhaps he had fallen or tripped.  When I ran up to see if he was ok, he was asleep on the couch. A very large PALM plant which was in a VERY LARGE earthen pot had fallen over....The earthen pot was

    much larger than was required for the PALM and there was NO REASON it should have/or COULD have fallen on its own.

    After I cleaned up the mess that was left from the potting soil spilling I returned to my computer downstairs.  It wasn't until then that I noticed it was 12:10 A.M. on March 13th....MY BEST FRIENDS BIRTHDAY!   I knew INSTINCTIVELY then

    that she was merely letting me know that she was still with me, watching over me, and was just a little "TICKED OFF"

    that I hadn't remembered her BIRTHDAY!   We also noticed all thru that week that there were several times the LIGHTS in the house would seem to SURGE and DIM again.  We felt her presence from then on....and continue to do so even now.

  10. Yep....then I sobered up.

  11. i AM a paranormal experience.

  12. The paranormal was part of my every day life when I was a child.

    I grew up in a haunted house.

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