
Has anyone here ever kissed the Blarney Stone? Were you scared?

by  |  earlier

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I am from the US. I was a small kid at 10 years old and they had to hang me backwards over the edge to do the deed. When I screamed, my mother, who could not climb the stairs and was waiting on a bench down below, thought for sure I had fallen to my demise. When my older sister and I came back down, my mother cried like I had never seen her cry before. We visited in 1976 - I loved Ireland and all of the UK. I'd like to go back and see how much has changed. At that time, it was hard to get a cold glass of milk or ice for your water...




  1. The stone is only there for tourists and some of the places you would remember are long gone as the other bloke said it is all a rip off now we have peace in Ulster and all the silly people are now coming in and buying all the Lagan side flats and then charging massive rents for the locals to live in their own area that's my rant over for the day. We are always glad to welcome tourists from across the pond so have a good time but remember all things charge so don't expect to much.

  2. I have done it when I was very young and at that time I wasn't scared.

  3. Yes i kissed it once i thought it was pretty fun.

  4. The only thing I'd be scared of is catching a disease.  Blarney Castle is definitely worth seeing though!

  5. Hello KitKat,

                        Kissed it. Good Lord! My parents used to say they thought I had swallowed it! As I am blessed with an inordinate amount of the eloquence it is meant to bestow on the ones who actually manage to kiss that blessed stone...

                        I remember sitting on the bench too, and wait for my sister to descent those steps after failing to lay her lips on the stone, and she was weeping because I managed to kiss it and she didn't, she was 10 and I was 12. and my Eloquence kicked in there and then, and I offered to kiss her with the very lips that had done the deed, so to eloquently speak.

                       Getting ice for your water now is no longer a problem, you can get that anywhere all over the country, and cold milk too, as well as all the fizzy sodas you can get down your neck, except we call it pop!, soda is something Mammy used on washing days, as it got most of the farm soil off our clothes, but I am willing to accept all the Americanisms of this World now, I have been to New York and to Boston. just to see members of my family, and their friends, and learned quite a lot of those 'isms'.

                     If you go back to that stone you will notice it hasn't altered at all, you still have to bend over backwards to get the task done. ha ha ha ha. but it was fun, wasn't it. I hope my answer makes you smile..Good Luck Now...Tony M...

  6. No

    Went to see the castle, couldn't believe people were in a half hour long queue to kiss a rock (that the locals pi$$ on when the tourists aren't there).  Admired the view and went back down again.

    The castle isn't that good - but it is a good scam by the Irish tourist board.

  7. i'm irish and can tell you ireland is dead.  every single piece of grass is being bought and apartments of really bad quality are being built on it.  dublin isnt the same as it was neither is belfast. the lagan is actually clean!.  segregation is still normal in the north so some things are still good. you can have cold milk or ice for your water or all the exotic food you could imagine.  ireland is a rip off joint, if you have money we'll find a way of removing it from your pocket,  thats the sad truth.  by all means visit ireland but dont expect donkeys and aran jumpers. the locals are being ripped off too, some bars in the city centre of belfast are charging the equivelent of $6 for a pint of guinness. the brewery is only a hundred miles away.  so much for progress eh? what price peace

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