
Has anyone here ever seen an alien before!!!!

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I am curious to know if any of you saw an alien or was abducted by one. Post some stories about it. I am VERY eager to know!




  1. Yes they work at walmart, or are waiting outside Lowes/Depot before they open..  Want to see who is an alien?  just walk in with a dark blue windbreaker that sys DHS, or ICE or Customs on it.  they will take off in droves

  2. i thought i saw one because there was a big circle thingy and i have no idea what it was

  3. yes its true i saw one i was so afaid. but my dad told me that to think for a second.we are not the only living thing in the universe so their must be somthing out there.

  4. My lover Miyuki and her friends are all aliens. Do you think they will abduct me? Miyuki is 5'-0.5", 97 lbs.; Kumiko is 5'-2", 100 lbs.; Yuki is 5'-3", 105 lbs.; and I am 6'-1", 370 lbs. They are all citizens of Japan, so they are aliens in the USA. The only aliens here are from other nations on our planet. If there is intelligent life on other planets, these planets are much too distant for the creatures to visit us. No spaceship can travel anywhere near the speed of light. Einstein's equations show you why. Study them!

  5. One day a couple of years back I had an alien encounter of my own.  I was in my backyard and I saw a shiny thing in the distance.  I got closer and it was a large spinning disk.  It was so bright and it briefly blinded me.  When I regained the use of my vision I ran inside to tell my ma and pa.  They came out and where the disk was spinning there was a ring of a snow-like substance on the ground.  My mom touched it and then rubbed it on her leg to get it off.  Her finger and part of her leg turned numb.  It has been numb ever since.  

    Nobody believes that this ever happend to me but it did. Aliens are out there!!! BELIEVE!!!

  6. No I never did. But my twin sister claims that she did. Okay, so here is her story on it. She was laying in her bed one night trying to fall asleep,but she couldn't. And here she just happened to look up and she saw these two alien looking things staring right at her. So of course she got scared and pulled the covers over her head. And she felt these two fingers moving up and down the covers. But she just laid there and prayed and prayed. Then finally they stopped and she heard them leaving by going under her bed, with like bags moving (she had stuff in bags under her bed). So I'm not sure if I should believer her or not. This happened when she was like 8 or 9 years old. Now we are 16 so who knows if its true or not.

  7. Before?? before what dinner, breakfast, before I was nine???  

  8. yES,it was a very shiny bright light that i thought was a plane but the "PLANE" moved from right to left and up and down then

  9. Yes, but no one beleived me and my parents even tried to make me go to a psychiatrist when I told them so I'm not going into it again!  Though I KNOW what I saw and what happened!

  10. Personally i've never seen one but i've seen weird lights out my window and a week later heard strange things in my sleep as if someone was talking to me.

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