
Has anyone here ever seen their life flash before them...?

by  |  earlier

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You know when people are near death, and they say they saw their life flash before them...What actually flashes, from the time you were born, to the time of your near death...what do you actually see...has anyone had this experience before..I had a NDE, but i didnt see my life flash before me..(thank god lol)




  1. >nope, adrenaline takes over, and theres nothing other than fight or flight instinct takes over. Your body either goes into terminal shock or survives. In my case, my only thought at that moment was about how stupid of a mistake I made!!!! Not here, not now not this way!! This cant be the way this is gonna end. The truth as I swear by it. those were my exact thoughts!!

    so in order to have an NDE you have to go to the other side of ? And see what light? when everything around you goes quiet and you can feel yourself leaving your body, thats as close to an NDE as I want to get, anything further might be a little too far for my taste.If i were 75 or older, I would probably go with it, there was no pain involved once you crossed a certain threshold.

  2. Yes I did! I remember when I was younger I had a NDE. I was riding my bike with a friend in the rain, and it was storming pretty well. We were going to the library and we started to turn on the wrong road, when this tree came crashing down right in front of us! It was a pretty big tree, and it scared the c**p out of us! But when it was about mid-way falling down, I had a flashback to a few mintues before that, when we had to stop because she had to tie her shoe, and I told her to leave it. But she insisted on tying it. I just remember thinking that if she hadn't of tied her shoe, we would have been crushed by that tree.

  3. Yes..this happened to me..but I don't know if I was dieing or not. I think I was being drugged...or something. Scared me so bad!! Seems like I was being accused of everything in my life...even little things...nothing was 'forgiven or forgotten'. And some 'revelations" came to me...which I didn't understand at the time. I believe I was being spiritually "attacked". This happened after going to church every day almost for 10 years. I don't remember it showing me any of the good things I had done.It was like only the bad things counted.

    Edit...para...My life changed too..drastically...and I don't think for the better.

    Edit..I don't think "accusing" people ever makes them better..and I don't think God "accuses" us.How could you love someone who "accuses" you?

  4. It has flashed before me within a period of 18 years. (my entire life)

  5. Negative I have seen nothing of my life

    but I will tell you something someone went back in time and messed with it because when they got back I was completly different unless a paranortmal presence had visted me changing my path into life....

    My life flashed before my eyes don't think so

    But my life did change before my eyes

  6. Yes I have experienced something like that

    but not like NDE, most as a flash back of memorys came from above...the view of the memory from a hight and not from the ground...

    also once when I was a child I had seen the time cut into pieces.

    I was playing football,  goalkeeper and I saw the ball came to me very very slow and I couldn' hear, but I move fast and grap it

    since then I strongly believe that time has to do with senses and all we see depends on senses

    that kind of NDE we can see only when we don't have physical manners ( way of life depends from the needs of our body and our daily survive )

    I think people should be in a kindly zen situation....

    I strongly believe that memories is the thing that we grab from the otherside and the thing that we are going to carry to the otherside

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