
Has anyone here ever spoken with any gypsies in Europe?

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What happened when you appoached a group of gypsies and tried to start a conversation?




  1. They're the scum of the Earth !

  2. Whats your point? I know two finnish roma in sweden, they are nice but keep to their own mostly. I also know an ashkali, he dont consider himself roma, he was a summer employee at my work place , worked very hard and very good but also thought he was Gods gift to women. Nice guy though.

  3. The are actualy very friendly and honest people.

  4. Actually, it was the other way around.  When I was in Paris, I was approached by gypsies who were trying to rip me off.  When I was a kid, there used to be a lot of them in the city where I grew up and they used to do the same thing.  It would be rather interesting having a discussion with them apart from being ripped off though.  I just don't know how you would go about doing it; maybe if you turned into a werewolf?

  5. some live just down my street, they don't talk much, but are genuine.

  6. Nothing much. What exactly do you mean?

    edit: It's not like I've had a discussion with them, but they seem pretty friendly and chearful where I'm from (Macedonia). They always sing when they pass my street

  7. I've never seen gypsies where I'm from. I live in Ireland and I don't think gypsies are very common here.

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