
Has anyone here ever terminated a pregnancy due to birth defects ( im only interested in hearing from people?

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who were/are faced with this decision)

when the tests came back what did you do




  1. A friend of mine decided to terminate because there was a "very strong" possibility that the child would have birth defects.  I don't know to what extent they did tests to confirm this but her ultimate decision was based on the fact that she didn't want/need the hassle of dealing with a handicapped child.  I don't necessarily agree with her decision but I guess when she considered how much she was going to have to give up it was too much.  I also think finances played a role in her decision but I can't really say for sure.  I guess it comes down to what you personally believe and are prepared to handle.

    At this point I'd say you should still think and act as tho there's absolutely nothing wrong.  There's no reason to put added stress on you and the baby until you know for sure.  If it turns out there is a problem, do whatever you believe is best for you and your family.

  2. My best friend was told her babies spine was not connected at the bottom and it was pulling at her brain. They said she would most likely not like to see the age of 5 and she wouldn't talk, hear, or move. After carefully discussing it her and her doctor agreed to terminate her pregnancy and try again. No one I know looks down on her for what she did. But ultimately its your decision.

  3. Even if a baby is in the womb, it is still a living breathing human being just like you. I would never ever abort a baby no matter what was wrong with it. It's just as bad as murder, maybe even worse.

    Carterm..., tell your sister that God was watching over her. He rewarded her decision with a healthy child and she was absolutely right to not kill it.

  4. I know that you want to hear from people in your situatuion but my sister in law was about 5 months pregnant and they thought my niece had down syndrom, my sister in law was pressured to terminate right then and she said no, everyone was trying to convience her to term but again she said no, after 10 days the results came back and they were negative, baby did not have down, my sister in law was so happy she did not listen because my niece is a healthy happy 3 yrs old.

  5. We were told that our daughter would be born with a cleft lip/palate, I was 19 weeks along.  

    After that, we were told that she could possibly have trisomy 13, 18, or 21.  There were never any markers for any of those things shown on any ultrasounds.  I was offered testing, but declined, being that it didn't matter to us.  We just wanted our baby, regardless of anything.  It wasn't up to us to determine how it would turn out.

    Our daughter was born with an isolated cleft lip/palate.  She's now 6 years old.  

    I wish you and your little one all the best.

  6. my best bud had an abortion because her baby had a birth defect, she seriously regrets it tho.

  7. aborting a child due to birth defect  isn't cool cant you still love that child even if he or she isn't perfect i know i would

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