
Has anyone here had a DNA Genealogy test?

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my uncle just had one and im native american i already knew that but hes 20 percent african which we had no idea of which means my grandma was 40 percent right?.... anyways im glad to prove my native american ancenstory and find this new ancestory im proud of both




  1. Don't believe everything the testing company tells you.  There are just some things a DNA test CANNOT tell you and one of them is percentages of a particular ethnic group.  They can tell you that you have a certain percentage of markers in common with the Native American samples they have in their database, but thats about it.  They CANNOT narrow it down to tribe.

    Here's an example I use to show just how WRONG DNA testing can steer you.

    Oprah Winfrey had her DNA tested and the results came back that she descends from the Zulu tribe of Africa.  The known facts dispute this claim 100%.  First fact: She is indeed the descendant of slaves.  Second fact: No Zulu tribes people were ever taken as slaves, the slave traders didn't go into the interior of Africa.  So you can see she couldn't be descended from the Zulu Tribe....

    Genealogical research is the only way to positively prove you have Native ancestry.  No Federally Recognized Tribe or Nation accepts DNA testing as proof of Native ancestry without the genealogical proof too.  Every Federally Recognized Tribe or Nation requires anyone seeking membership be able to prove lineage back to someone on that particular tribe or nations base roll......

  2. which means my grandma was 40 percent right?....

    Maybe. Or she was 30% and grandpa was 10%, or they were both 20% or grandpa was 40% . . .

  3. That's cooool .. i'd like to have one but my family isn't a mix one so i kindov know anyway

    but it's still a cool thing :)

  4. yeah. i recently found out that i'm half kryptonian.

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