
Has anyone here had verified shared dreams or dreamwalking?

by Guest59358  |  earlier

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I mostly asking because I'm bored. I think I dreamwalk sometimes, but I've had very little verification for it. The last time I had any verification was in January, when a coworker and I dreamt of each other at the same time. Our dreams weren't exactly the same, but there was some similarity.

A friend of mine mentioned on his Live Journal that he'd had trouble with people sending him stuff in dreams. I might've done that to him a couple of times, but I don't have any proof of it. I love being around people who do this kind of stuff, but I wish I could be more in control and confident with it.




  1. Sharing a dream would require two sleeping people to "meet" somewhere while dreaming.  There is neither evidence nor reason to assume this takes place.  It's not unlikely you dreamed of someone you know the same night that person dreamed of someone she knows.  Like you said, they weren't identical, just similar.  There is no reason to assume our dreams take place anywhere but between our ears.

  2. Only once I dreamed about an ex girlfriend and I asked her to call me and the next day she called and said she dreamed we got together and I asked her to call. I had not seen or heard from her in 2 years.

  3. My twin sister and I have done this on many occasions (unfortunately). We often in fact don't realise we share the dreams until afterwards when it comes up later--we've only seen each other in one once. As we see each other rarely and weren't raised together this rarely happens.

    In fact, we participated in a study about this, about a month back, where we were hooked up to EEGs and sleep-monitoring equipment, and our brainwaves were found to be identical once we hit Delta waves and REM sleep.

  4. There has been no documentation of astral traveling or shared dreams.What we do have is plenty boasting.It's getting quite tiresome.

  5. The night my grandmother had a massive stroke (she lived alone and no one knew it) - 3 of her 4 children (my dad, aunt, uncle) all had the exact same dream about their father (who was deceased) coming and trying to take my grandmother to the afterlife, but she would not go.  They called each other up the next morning, and found out my grandmother had a massive stroke that paralyzed her and caused brain damage, but indeed was still alive (and lived for like 3 years after that).

  6. iYou do sound as if you are getting high on the old lysergic acd trips.  Watch it. that stuff is dangerous to your mind. Don't turn into an axe murderer or something like that.

  7. Not in dreams that I know of. But I wish whoever it is getting into my dreams would get out! lol I don't like to have ANY  dreams and think of all of them as nightmares..whether they are or not.

    I know someone on here who astral traveled and someone saw her.

    Some people on here have posted that they  saw their mother etc. even though she was in another room...awake I think. Don't know what that was about unless it was a doppleganger.

      I'm going to watch and see what answers you get. I'll give you a star cause I like your question. Thanks.

  8. That hasnt happened to me either of those. But i do see the

    future sometimes. I know it sounds silly but sometimes i

    dream stuff and it could be maybe a week or more but it

    happens. Just recently i started recording the dreams i

    remembered in a journal. Strangely, 2/4 situations that i

    dreamt happened in real life. Like a year ago, i was going

    on vacation and maybe  3 weeks before my trip i started

    having reoccuring dreams of someone dying. At first i

    thought it was myself so i was very careful when i was

    there. In my dream i remember i was riding a motorcycle,

    and my cousin who was driving stopped and asked me a

    strange question, he asked " Have You had s*x yet?" i

    remember answering yes. But then it happened in real life

    but this time i asked if he'd asked me that before because i

    knew i had seen it in a dream. Anyway, whatever i didnt

    die(apparently) however, about a month later in May 2007

    my uncle disappeared in Colombia without a trace til this

    day we have not heard of him.

  9. no sadly :( but its something i've alwase been really interested in. could u email me some info?

  10. Yes but I dont have the time to write out the long answer on how to do it.

  11. Me and this guy I still love once had a dream that we got married on the same night we called eachother the next day and verified we had had the same exact dream, weird huh? It gets better, we had another share dream the next night about us knowing.....and I called him and he told me all the exact same details I had dreampt! Creepy or what? We still dream of eachother too I wonder if it's an omen of some sort, I hope it is! Good luck with your share dreams! May they teach you something useful like where you left you favorite shirt or something!

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