
Has anyone here owned?

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A whippet?

I used to own one, a white and tan female, put she had to be put down recently after a vicious Alsatian attack.

I do miss her. Anyway i was wondering has anyone else owned/own a whippet and what do you think of them if you don't?




  1. I used to work with a breeder (whippets and dandie dinmont terriers).  Love the whippets.  They have such good dispositions.  Interestingly, however, I have a lab and a retriever mix.

  2. never owned on.  i have seen them out and about but around here they have more italian greyhounds.

  3. No my grandad has one  a crossed  whippet I think  

  4. Whippets are beautiful dogs and so good natured.

    I'm sorry about your whippet.

    I hope that alsation is killed slowly and goes to h**l

  5. my dog is a mix of lots of different breeds, but he has got some whippet in him. sorry for your loss

  6. I don't have one but I've heard great things about them.  Sorry for your loss.

  7. Sorry about your dog.

    Yes, I own two whippets and I think they are the best breed in the world: they are beautiful, fun, easy and great companions.
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