
Has anyone here saved their baby's umbilical cord blood?

by  |  earlier

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What do I need to know? Are there any loopholes I need to look out for? Which service should I use? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.




  1. you can get info from all the companies who do cord blood saving. You need to think if your gonna do it for your use or donate it for public. I was gonna save my kids cord blood but ran in to two problems one the hospitals here dont do it. and two you can use it for that kid, (i am prego with my first) If your child is born with cancer or something you cant use his cord blood to save him cause the desease is in the blood. it will only work for another sibling if it matches. GL  

  2. I did but only because her uncle passed from leukemia. You will b asked every question under the sun

  3. My husband and I did save our sons cord blood. We chose to do it after my OB suggested it. We looked into it and were in awe of how many diseases could be treated with stem cells. It was one of those things... once we knew about it, we would hate ourselves if our little one ever needed it and we didn't do it. After a ton of research we decided to use the service CBR (cord blood registry) for a few reasons. Visit their web site to read up on it. They always send me e-mails updating me on the newest research they are conducting and new break throughs they've made. The CB is good for a LONG time and your other children may be able to use it as well. It is $$$ but well worth the peace of mind.

    As far as loopholes are concerned... There really aren't any. It's cut and dry. CBR has been around for a long time and is pretty reputable. The only thing to consider would be your payment plans (paying in advance saves you something like $500 vs. monthly payment). Everything else is very standard.

    Once you sign-up with CBR they mail you a CB kit that you will need to take to the hospital when you have the baby. Your OB should know in advance and be sure to tell the nurse you are banking CB so they could set-up ahead of time. They will explain all of this to you.

    My hubby and I are SO glad we did our homework and ordered the kit in advance. My sister waited too long and went into labor 5 weeks early... Needless to say she was no able to bank here CB :(

    Best of luck to you and your little one!

    As for your last question.... Yes- CB could be used if your baby gets cancer later in life because the CB was taken when they were cancer free.

    LOL about the company sucking- So far CBR has been good... Our OB also used CBR for his kids- he said it was the most reputable one that he had come across.

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