
Has anyone here used Rosetta Stone? any good?

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i want to try it but im not sure if it worth the money.

I know difficulty depends on the language you want to learn. I would like to learn spanish or french




  1. It's good for pronunciation, but nobody can be fluent on Rosetta Stone alone. There are probably a lot of tapes and CDs that are just as good but cost a lot less than Rosetta Stone could even try your local library which lends it for free :))

       I suggest having a lot of different books that teach the language you want to learn, a dictionary, a pen pal, and maybe a CD or two for pronunciation...Buena Suerte, Bon Chance, Good Luck! :)

  2. My husband works at a bookstore.  He said they get a lot of complaints about the software and how it doesnt work.  

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