If so, how did he or she turn out? Do these kids overcome a lot of their obstacles, and are they able to adjust socially when they go to college on their own? Everyone keeps telling us that putting our son in public school will be the best way to help him with Asperger's. We've homeschooled for five years, but this year he went to public school because we had so much going on with moving, selling our house, and etcetera. He went from straight A's to C's, D's and even F's. He forgets to bring home his homework or to turn it back in, kids pick on him, he gets in trouble for things he doesn't know is wrong, and even though the school is supposed to work with us there isn't the communication I expect. Tomorrow, I'm going to make some phone calls and do some research on Tennessee homeschool laws, and we plan on pulling him out next week and start homeschooling again. He did A LOT better in every aspect (including socially) when were doing school at home! Please tell your experience