
Has anyone hosted a foreign exchange student? What was your experience like?

by Guest62695  |  earlier

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We are thinking about hosting a Senior Girl from Venezuela here in America. What are the pros and cons and how do you know if that child will fit into your family dynamics?




  1. Here's an answer from a different point of view . . . I was an exchange student for a year, living with a host family in another country. I had difficulties with the language (at first), customs, etc., but it was one of the best years of my life. My host family was excellent -- they were patient with me, heplful, interested, and treated me as if I were one of their own. They made a big effort to introduce me to different things and places, and we became very close.

    It was as rewarding for them as it was for me, and although it been many years, we stay in touch regularly and I was just back to visit them last summer.

    So if you are prepared to put some effort into treating this girl as part of your family, and to take active interested in helping her learn the language, and want to learn about her culture as much as she will from you, then I highly recommend it.

    I had friends who were also hosted with families that had medicore experiences, usually because the family treated them simply as a houseguest or as someone renting a room. If you're just looking for an au-pair to babysit your kids, then you might want to reconsider.

  2. I have been a study abroad student and I have also grown up in a house were my parents hosted study abroad students.  I have never had a bad experience either being in a foreign country living with the host family or having a study abroad student live in my home with my family.  I think that we hosted four students in our home during my elementary and high school years.  I think it is a great idea and hope to be able to open my home up one day to foreigners.  I am also an English as a Second Language teacher now, so I deal with foreigners all the time.  They are the kindest, most generous people you will meet and I strongly recommend that you experience this.  You will make long lasting friendships with these people.  And you also gain more purpose because you are also helping them learn another language and culture.  But remember to keep your heart open to her and treat her as you would if she was your daughter.  You may have some difficulties at first because of different idiosyncracies or because that is how she would act in her culture. BUT if you can be understanding and help her to learn but be willing to learn about her country and culture as well then you will no doubt have a wonderful experience.  I cannot say enough about my experiences.  They have all been wonderful.

  3. I did not have a foreign exchange student, however, I had a fresh air fund kid over the summers.  It really was great, we did a lot of things that she could not have done in NY city. She got to see a real cow and had to call her mother!  

    It really had no problem with her fitting in, other than having to do a little more laundry and fixing extra food.

  4. I had a female friend who hosted a German male exchange student, she was twice his age, he finished up in her bed.

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