
Has anyone hunted for ghosts?

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Me and my friends do all the time. Are we the only ones? Has anyone found anything?




  1. yes i have. in my own house. my tv turns on and off all the time and my phone is always falling off the hook. i dont mind, it gives me some1 2 talk 2

  2. Yea we do it all the time!

    Where I live there's an old hospital we go to all the time and yes it is haunted!!

  3. Everytime someone says they know a haunted place, I offer to stay there overnight. Suddenly, they have an excuse as to why I can't.

    So no, I have not, not yet. I think it's because people know I am a skeptic.

  4. I my self has hunted for ghosts but never have I seen any.

  5. not really Hunted for Ghosts..


    But when my little sister was Younger.. when we lived in my old house... She would just stare into the abyss and her eyes would just wonder slowly as if looking at a moving figure IT WAS CREEPY!!!

    and to this day my sister has the wierdest sleeping habits. in between sleepshe'll sit upright. and lean against her headboard and Just sleep... im pretty sure a Ghost made her sit up right ya Know??or somthing... its really scary..

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