
Has anyone in Washington been ripped off by John Casablancas modling and Career center??

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We were just wondering because my cousin just gradugated and REALLY wants to know if he's been ripped off. PLEASE LET US KNOW cause we know that John Robert Powers is a SCAM as well!




  1. (Never been *ripped off* but.......) YA THINK?!

  2. Well not exactly sure what you mean, but im sure they streatch the truth about the results from there.

    But I did go there once, for like a thing I signed up for in the mall.  It didn't do anything for me, and was a waste of time.  But yeah, I don't think they are a 100% scam.  They seem to big to be a scam.

  3. wow! thats so weird i went to that modelig school but the one in tampa! i do feel it was a ripp off! that sux! the agency hasnt givin one job i emailed and called the lady that suppost 2 be in charge then i called the other one and she couldnt help me! i felt like cusing her out on the spot then telling her to get an eduction on AGENCYS! caz she SUX!!!!!!!

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