
Has anyone in the UK worked out how much tax they are actually paying to this Government -Try it for yourself!

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Mine, based on £45K earnings, looks like this:

~ Direct Tax and NI - £17,600

~ Duty - £3,250

~ VAT on what I've got left that qualifies for it - £3,000

That's £23,850, or 53 percent of earnings, a lot of money to sit back and watch this Government pour down the drain. Why do we put up with this when Public Services have actually deteriorated over the last few years?

From today's paper:

Mr Brown, on a visit to Manchester on the first anniversary of him becoming Prime Minister, said: "By-elections come and by-elections go. Of course we have to listen to what people say. But my main job is to improve our public services, to get the economy moving forward, to make sure that in the health service and education people have the best services that they want and I am going to continue to do that. And I think people know that we are going through difficult times in the economy. It's my job to steer us through these difficult times."




  1. This means that for the first 6 months of the year you earn nothing for yourself you are just working for THEM. When you die they will have 40% of anything left.

  2. In direct and indirect tax's every working person pays aprox 95% tax

  3. We all hate paying taxes, but the amount we pay these days seems ridiculous, especially as we don't see a good return for the money invested. Gordon Brown is just another leader who has no grasp on reality, living in his little world, tell us how "we must all make sacrifices" whilst they throw billions of pounds down the drain on issues and matters that do not concern or benefit the General Public, The General public is you and me, the voters who put these people into power to serve us, and not to talk us down. This country needs a major shake up and if the Tories can come only 5th in a local by election behind a BNP candidate, then surely this must be telling them they have got it wrong, and maybe its time to leave office. I can also remember when Gordon Brown was the chancellor saying "Britain was in a strong position to take on the world resection" well that's proved to be wrong, what with oil,gas,electricity and food prices going through the roof, it just shows what a total waste of space Gordon Brown and the government is to this country.

  4. I know! Its sickening.  Where does the money go? There is so much waste and corruption right through the system. Not only does he steal our hard earned. He steals our right to comment and our right to a decent standard of living.  He and Blair have devasted Britain and we have paid for them to do it

  5. actually you are taxed on every thing you buy. out of every pound you spend you are giving about 75p of it to the government. (in reality that is) when my friends cousin came over from Australia he was  stunned and shocked at the amount we pay for every thing here. i don't think the people of Britain realise the extent of the legalised theft!! that has 'over the years' become acceptable in this country. if the money was spent on improvements to our social welfare. improvements to our infrastructure etc then i wouldn't mind. but its wasted on wars that no one wants, mass immigration, given away to despotic foul leaders of other country's, whipped away to finance the biggest gang of crooks in Europe.....the EU. or fiddled and stashed away by the thieving b@stard low life traitorous crooks we laughingly call MPs nowdays.

  6. Highest taxed country in the World, an unelected PM, who is so shortsighted to be almost myopic. Uncharismatic, dour, monosyllabic, generally disliked, for handling of the economy, and now PM signing away rights that our forefathers fought and died for. NHS, Schools, Social services, all worse, immigration such a major issue that's been virtually airbrushed by his administration. Tax on fuel, alcohol, cigarettes producing so much money for the treasury its a wonder why we still have all the problems above. Gun, knife crime at an all time high, policing largely disenfranchised, and now we are expected to take it all. What a load of bollox

    And to cap it all, when you kick the bucket, any family will be kicked in the nuts by the inheritance tax, that is if you have any left when you shuffle off this mortal coil

  7. Tony Blair was exactly the same, they always mention health, education and getting children out of poverty. I blame you people who voted them back in, so you should pay the tax, get a bad education and die from a lack of health services.

  8. I can tell you where your £23,850 goes - paid as benefits to some scummy family who can't be bothered to work or, to some single mother who couldn't keep her legs closed.  I have self employed and employed earnings.  I have my own business which I run AND have a good employed job.  I pay probably about the same if not slightly more than you in tax and it makes my blood boil.  I pay three classes of NI! I take very little from the state but yet am paying more into it.  The takers and benefit cheats are the real winners - contribute nothing to society and take take take.

  9. Don't forget parking tax, road tax, litter tax, savings tax, death tax house tax and all of the other taxes(fines) that you pay if you challenge any of the above.

    Gorden Brown has been milking the British public to death with all of it's stealth taxes and yet he can throw away Billions of pounds every month to foreigners just so that they will think that he is an OK guy.

    He and the rest of his corrupt government should be arrested and investigated for their corruption and then imprisoned for their crimes.

  10. I only have to look at my payslip to check out how much of my money is going to that weak bunch of blood sucking, self-serving pigs that should be driven out of leadership

  11. I have always said that the UK economy

    is like a leaking bucket,instead of trying

    to fix the leak they just pour more money


    The philosophy is 'theres plenty more

    where that came from'.

    It really does not matter which 'party'

    is in power,the problem is with the

    system of government.

    They are all self serving,corrupt,

    & power hungry failures.

    P45s all round ?.

  12. Exactly. The thieving ba$tards.Collude to vote 2 Tory,1 BNP. Get Britain back,get rid of the Vicki Pollards etc.

  13. I think you are being optimistic as regards the 53% figure. Last year I worked out how much money I spent which did not attract VAT-----------------£1,400.

  14. I know it's too much especially since this Government is so willing to allow much of it to flood out in foreign aid. Why, when our infrastructure is under so much strain and our elderly are having to choose between eating or heating? How many people are aware of the Department for Foreign Development (see below link) which is another way for this Government to send our tax abroad? I don't give a f**k personally about AIDS in Africa because men there consider it 'macho' to have unprotected s*x. Why then should my hard earned cash be spent there when it is much needed here in investment in the NHS? Brown is a Traitor and should resign before he achieves the total ruination of this country.

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