
Has anyone invested in Nicargua? - Can u pass on any tips?

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Im a British Citizen with a Nicaraguan girlfriend and we are looking into buying property in her country

Just wondered if anyone has bought and invested in Nicaragua and has any advise they can pass on..

Thanks to any reply's in advance...




  1. Anyone can buy property in Nicaragua.  Your girlfriend can own a corporation here, you can be a partner but cannot own the corporation.

    There is plenty of property for sale and a few businesses too.  Come here to Nicaragua and rent for a few months else you will pay too much and buy the wrong property in the wrong location.

    You are a brit - would you buy a house in Yorkshire without going there first?  You have to see, hear, smell, touch and measure property before you can even begin to get an idea of the desirability of a place.

    In the countryside, about $1,000 US dollars an acre.  $20,000 a small house.  $30,000 a small house a bit of land, water and electric supply.  Beachfront 20 times those prices.  

    I have lived here 8 months.  Its been a rollercoaster.

  2. Nicaragua is the new Costa Rica but with prices still 35%-45% lower than Costa Rica. Tourism and development are taking off at an unprecedented rate and fantastic opportunities are opening up in such places like Montelimar, San juan del Sur. if i was you i would stick to up and coming locations like the ones i mention.

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