
Has anyone kids ever been on a Casablanca (modeling agency) interview before?

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My daughter has an appointment tomorrow and I just wanted to know what to expect. Are they going to try to milk me for money? How should I dress her? If anyone has been, please respond a.s.a.p.




  1. If you're really serious about getting into modeling:

    First, stay away from Barbizon, JRP, Casablanca's and any of the other modeling schools posing as agencies. Any agency asking for money up front is a scam.

    The best thing you can do is find an agency - which can be a little more challenging than you think.  Google searches and looking through the yellow pages will turn up more of the above scams than good legit places.  While it's not necessarily required to get a portfolio together first I would recommend it.  Having a portfolio shows your serious and it also gives you some camera-time experience which, when competing for an agency spot, can be valuable.

    I would highly recommend visiting or Model Mayhem. They're both huge online communities for the industry. You can network, find local photographers (many of which will help you build a portfolio for free) and depending on your area you may even find work. As with anything on the Internet DO YOUR RESEARCH. Check references before working with anyone and always bring someone with you to any shoot.

    If you have any other questions feel free to contact me

  2. It is a scam.  They are going to tell you that you need classes and photos, and you will have to pay a lot of money for them.  They will also make all sorts of compliments and/or promises, to make you more willing to pay those fees.

    The truth is that if ANY agency makes you promises, it is not legitimate.  This is a very unpredictable business.  They may also throw around some big names to wow you, but be careful with that also-that name may have been associated with them for a short time years ago (they might have been scammed as well)-that does NOT mean that this agency is responsible for the success.

    If I were you, I would nix the interview.  Most likely, you are not going to do that though so here are some suggestions:

    Dress your child like a child, age appropriately.  The Gap look is good-i.e. khaki pants and a polo shirt, tennis shoes.  Try to avoid white, black, and red.

    NO MAKEUP on children, and on teens it should be minimal (clear mascara and lip gloss, bit of hair spray).


    Hair should be pulled back.

    Now that you know how to dress her, once you get there DO NOT SIGN anything.  I repeat, DO NOT SIGN anything.  Tell them that you are going to take it home and look it over, have your husband look it over, etc.  Hint that you are going to have your lawyer look it over, and consider actually doing so.

    Contact the BBB for feedback on this company.

    Now, if you want to get your daughter into acting/modeling with a reputable agency, here is what you do.  Find agencies in your area and send in snapshots.  If they are interested, they will contact you.  If  they do not, do not take it personally.  Once you get involved with an agency, follow the protocol above.  They might require a minimal registration fee (only larger agencies can afford to eat the start up costs for talent) and there WILL be start up costs-however, they should never require you to use a certain photographer, etc.

    Your daughter needs to be more than pretty.  She needs to be patient, and work well with strangers.  You need to be able to sit back and let others be in charge, and you need to be able to be reached at moments notice.  Other children and/or parents should NOT go on calls so you will need a babysitter available as well.  Just some things to consider.

    Just be careful!

  3. John Casablancas is a huge scam.  They will suck you dry of funds, make her take useless classes, and just by having John Casablancas on her resume as "training", she will be dismissed as unable to act by any reputable casting agent, and you will be pegged as a sucker.

    Same goes for Barbizon and John Robert Powers.

    Call around and find the LEGITIMATE agencies in your area, and get your daughter into actual acting classes, associated with a local theatre or college.

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