
Has anyone liked someone even though you may think he/she doesn't like you back?

by  |  earlier

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There's this new girl in my area that I've gotten to know a little bit at a time. We've gone out to eat. We've played golf together and gone to a BBQ. Every time I'm with her, I like her more and more. I can't stop thinking about her. But I'm not sure if she likes me back.

I've felt this way before about other girls before but when I told them, they either looked at me funny or laughed and walked away.

I'm not sure if I can handle another situation like that.




  1. Don' worry you'll be fine. I... guess...

  2. So what's your question exactly...??

  3. i know how u feel.   u may think its love, but ull feel the same way about another girl if she gives u the same kind of attention.       w/ my fear of rejection, i dont even confess to a girl that i like her untill [basically] ask her out.      find out if they like u.

    give her hints u like her and see if she eventually does the same.  but dont confess tho, girls are wierd and will act wierd around u if u do that.  it sucks i know!

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