
Has anyone lived in Spain for a few years then moved back to live in Britain.?

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Was it as good move for you. Did you easily get back into a job. Any other useful comments.




  1. yes i did. found a job for a couple of months quite easy and hated it and found i missed spain and i moved straight back here again

  2. Conoco is right.

    I have been back in the UK for a short working break, before heading back to Spain where I have lived for 16 years,here are my personal views:

    I returned in 2001 for a years work wages were relatively poor -13,000 a year for most office jobs. I came back in August 2007 and the wages are the same, I couldn't believe it, everything else has gone up, why not wages? How do people manage?

    There are far too many foreigners in the UK now and that is scary, I wouldn't want to stay in the UK permanately, never! Whilst many Brits have swarmed to Spain some of us have integrated well. WE are not draining the Spanish system (we couldn't previous money from the State!!!)

    Britain seems to be inventing new stupid laws on a daily basis and letting every Tom d**k and Harry in even if they are breaking the law (sometimes seriously) they are allowed to stay!

    So here are reasons to live to Spain and not the UK:

    Apart from the weather of course!

    More relaxed lifestyle, no clock watching

    No traffic cameras on every street corner so I am forced to drive at a snails pace, or cctv for that matter.

    I can buy more than 2 packets of paracetamol if I feel like it without being told  I can't

    No high priced train or bus tickets, or pay and display that ruin a day out.

    I can go out for a meal or a drink and it won't leave me destitute for the rest of the month.

    Need I go on? Spain may have a lot of faults but the UK has many more.

    Oh, and I forgot the most important reason of all to return to family, especially my grandaughter.

  3. I'm sorry but I'm Indian and I have always  lived  in India.

  4. I did,,,,loved Spain and moved back just under 2 years ago,,but am semi retired self employed artist,,,The best piece of advice for anyone is ,,have plenty of money put aside,,,

  5. I was in Spain for 17 years, then returned to the USA.  It has been a very difficult move and an uncomfortable adjustment.   Although the standard of living might be higher in the USA (bigger/cheaper houses, etc.), I believe the quality of life was much higher in Spain.  My entire family misses Spain and wants to return.

  6. ROSE 1.......go girl I agree with all you say, I have been resident here on the costa now for 25 years........3 days in the UK is enough for me.

    When I get off the plane at EMA - I think great.......then after 3 days, can't wait to get back on the d**n thing and get back to Malaga.

    I just would not be able to manage to live in the UK, so depressive, the moaning, the troubles, the cost of living.,etc etc

    Here at least you are not hearing folks constantly moaning about the weather, the cost of heating, taxes......need I go on.

    YES, somethings in Spain drive you nuts, the red tape with things, but the spaniards have to cope with it all also, not only us!

  7. I´m retired & I´ve lived in Spain for three years permanently. I´ve completely integrated into the Spanish way of life. I have no regrets whatsoever. There is no way I will ever move back to the UK. I have a better standard of living. The weather is better and so is my health. The health service is better by far. I can see a doctor on the same day if I need too and can see a specialist within a month at the latest. I live in a village not a city.

    You will get your pension in the UK from the age of 60. You can get a pension forecast anytime but they won´t send it abroad, only a UK address. If you haven´t been paying a stamp in the UK you will get a reduced amount.

    The only way to move here is to be 100% committed to doing it. Learn the language and integrate into the community. The beaurocracy here will drive you mad and everywhere there is the mañana attitude, but it´s best just to fit in with the system and relax.

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