
Has anyone lived in a haunted house?

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I just want to know what u experienced.Plz




  1. I'm living in one right now. :)

    I have no problems with it, it's very scary at night though, I hear all sorts of noises and the fireplace in my bedroom gives me the creeps.

    Whenever I go downstairs, I always feel like I'm being followed, and everyone in my family agrees. Some people have even seen ghosts.

    It's been named the most haunted house in my village.

  2. Yes, an we have moved out for 6 months. Weird things happened in that house *shivers*

    For example, if we were up stairs the dishes and taps would be heard in the kitchen. The television turned off a couple of times without anyone touching it. There would be several creaking noises from doors, walls and the floor. Windows would shatter. We would have really bad dreams! Um.. so much happened at my old house. It was the only one since the time in this new build area. Oh and my younger brothers would always point and say with red faces "can you see him" they would refer to this ghost thing as "HIM".

    Oh and you would always sense something in the house and if you would be downstairs you would hear many many many noises like a family or crowd are upstairs. And while going up the stairs you feel like being followed. Doors would slam shut out of no where.

    And you would see shadows everywhere. Black is usually the color to describe our old house. My sister says she heard " a wailing noise" a couple of times. My mothers window (to her toilet inside her room) would open during the nights. Things are always misplaced and lights would continuously turn on and off. It was a real scary time back then =( so glad we moved houses.

    Anyway I warn you .. never stay at a house alone. Please even if it during the day.. you don't know what could happen. =(

  3. I have lived in several.  Thank goodness none of them were possessed by malevolent spirits!  One time my washing machine started to run all by itself.  In other houses, we would catch the movement of "beings" out of the corner of our eyes, but when we would look directly toward the movement they would disappear.

  4. When I was 12 and I first got into the occult (I'm out now) I did have weird things happen at my house. I've seen a demon's head that completely freaked me out and scared me off the occult for a couple of months. I saw a pair of glowing cloven hooves on the bathroom floor. I wasn't half aslepp or anything, I was wide awake. I not only saw them, I heard them. They made a clacking sound on the floor.

    Q. I think my house is haunted, for real. What should I do?

    A. First, you eliminate the natural explanations. Is anyone in the house on drugs? Seriously, are they? I've known quite a few pot smokers who had a "ghost" in their house. Stop taking drugs, and the ghosts will go away.  Does the ghost only seem to bother certain people? A child who wants attetion? An elderly person in the first stages of alzheimers? Schitzophrenics often live in "haunted houses" and talk to aliens too. Is there a source of running water nearby? A noisy aquarium pump turned out to be the "ghost" in one house I know of.  If the occurences can't be eliminated by natural explanations, then you should call in a minister to bless the house. DO NOT call anyone with an occult or New Age background, because it won't do any good, and will probably make your situation much worse. Coventer's Prison in England had a problem with visitors being attacked by unseen forces in the late 1990's. They called in a spiritualist "minister" (i.e., a medium) to exorcise the place. The medium pronounced the place cleared, but of course it didn't work. He died a few days later, and the occurences were worse than ever. They finally closed the site to visitors, because of the unexplained marks and cuts visitors kept getting! I also know of someone who thought they had ghosts in their home and called in some Wiccans to do a "cleansing ritual". The situation only got worse. Don't get occultists involved. No Wiccans, Voodooists, Santerios, Canduras, "white witches", ceremonial magicians, Rosicrucians, Theosophists, Cabalists, spiritualists, psychics, "spiritual advisors", or anything like that. These people think they know a lot, they'll act like they do, but they don't (I'm not being mean, I'm being honest).

    Get a Christian minister from a Bible believing church (no Mormons, Unitarians, JW's, Unity, or other cults). Chances are there is one close by. If they don't want to handle it for some reason, call someone else. Get out a phone book if you have to. It won't be hard to find someone who can help you.  

  5. well my aunts house is she lives next to a cementary!! i was sleeping on the floor next to the desk when i woke up in the middle of the night and the cup that held pens spilled and the cabinets started to open and close!!!!!!!!!!  

  6. My ex-boyfriend's house was haunted.  When I stayed there and I was on the own in the house, I would be getting ready in the bedroom and would just feel this presence there.  It's hard to explain - it was just a very strong feeling.  I would be sat at the dressing table doing my hair and would just feel as if there was somebody standing behind me but you wouldn't see anything.  Then when I left the house and got in my car and drove out the gravel drive, I would have the same feeling, as if there was somebody there standing at the window.  I never told his mother at the time as she was living there on her own and going through a divorce, so didn't want to scare her.  It was only years later after she'd sold the house that I mentioned it and she told me that yes, she always knew the house was haunted!

  7. I have

    no lie. i was in my room once watching tv then my door creaked open then slammed shut. the windows weren't open so it wasn't a draft then the tv switched to songs of praise on a different channel. this has happened three times also. and one time i swear i saw the handle move as if someone was doing it and all of my family were ut at the time

    I was in the kitchen with my friend and we were listening to a CD. Suddenly the CD stopped midway through a song (there was nothing wrong with the CD) then the radio came on with deafening white noise and i couldn't turn it off so i pulled it out at the plug the second i did that the TV came on with songs of praise!

    and another time my radio switched from xfm to some classical music channel

    i'm scared of my house although nothing has happened reccently

  8. when my family and i moved to the city i was about 14 years old

    there was a old fire detector on the wall one day we were all eating dinner and it started to beep really loud we didnt smell smoke or anything so my mom went to grab it off the wall and it had nothing in it just the plastic shell no wires no batteries and it was still beeping!!! talk about freaking out everyone was staring at each other in horror

    then they started stomping on it

    we had problems with this one stereo it would never turn off even if u unplugged it

    we started joking about hey we dont need electricty we have a ghost to run our stuff thats when the stereo turned off lol

    at night if i couldnt sleep the stereo would turn on and the cd player would spin around

  9. Yes I have - and it was a modern apartment, but after the local council moved a load of graves next door to make some park space, all manner of weird stuff started to happen. The story is too long to tell here, but I went from ghost skeptic to ghost believer pretty d**n quickly.

    Just some of the many, many things that happened:

    Lightbulbs cracking like fireworks - always above my head and the lights going out, but when I toggled the switch they came back on and the light bulbs weren't damaged.

    TV turning itself on and off and then volume up and volume down.

    A kitchen utencil jumped out of a jar and smashed with force into the floor.

    Waking up to somebody shouting my name in my room - but there was no one there.

    All manor of noises - child laughter, feet running on my wooden floor, cracks and bangs from nowhere.

    Maybe the most odd was waking to find red criss-crosses all over my chest - like they had been made with a pen with no ink and a ruler - it took several hours for them to fade.

    I could go on and on. I used to sit on the sofa and say "Come on then amke a noise" and sure enough a noise would answer my request.

    One day I got really angry and shouted at "THEM" told them to PACK THE h**l UP OR ELSE  - and everything stopped for maybe 3 weeks and then started up gradually again.

  10. No,I haven`t,but my house looks creepy sometimes.On the addick,it looks like there are ghosts!

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