
Has anyone lived in the Northeast in a house without heat ? If so, what did you do in particular to stay warm

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Has anyone lived in the Northeast in a house without heat ? If so, what did you do in particular to stay warm




  1. Candles?  Fire?  Have lots of s*x???

  2. I'm in the Northwest territory. Even if our house is heated during winter, it is still cold. Weather in here is pretty unpredictable and winter is cruel - can drop to -50! Alas! people still go to work if they can amidst of snowstorms!

  3. I live in the Midwest, Southwest Michigan, where we get battered by silly amounts of cold weather and lake effect snow every year.

    For the most part, I'm able to get by with layered clothes. I also spend more time under blankets, and cook more using the oven so that the "Waste heat" isn't wasted.

    In extreme situations, I'll turn on a space heater to get the room back to a livable temperature.

    I like the first answer though... having another person around can definitely help in keeping things warm.  :)

  4. North East of England Yep have done but a lifetime ago now. Go out, spend your time round at your friend's or families houses who do have heat.

    Other than that spend as much time as possible outside. You will then feel warmer when you go in. Wear several layers of clothes, sew the sides of a think blanket together to make a poncho, wear a hat and gloves drink hot drinks and go to bed early. You do get used to it after a while and heated houses seem too hot.

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