
Has anyone looked for second opinions after speaking to their GP? Brits only please?

by  |  earlier

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I spoke to my GP about a problem, but I wasnt satisfied with his "there's pretty much nothing you can do" answer. Can anyone advise who else I can speak to or what courses of action are open to me? TIA




  1. not all doctors know their stuff

    here in america some even still recommend routine circumcision against all major medical organizations, don't be afraid to get a second opinion

  2. yes a 2nd opinion or change surgery .The local health trust will have a procedure if you are going to complain, I think maybe consult someone if you feel an injustice has been done good luck, take care.

  3. Seek advice from another Doctor,some of them just have not got a clue.

  4. Hi if you are not satisfied with your GP then you should ask to see another  

  5. surely there's more than one doctor in the practise ask to see them

  6. just make an appointmet with another gp

  7. Complain.

    My mum had agonizing stomach pains and flu like symptoms for weeks and went to the doctors. It was the locam, he sat as far away from her as possible and didn't even go near her stomach to find out where it was tender etc. He just told her to go home and take some more flu tablets.

    When she went back the next day she saw our normal GP who had her rushed to A&E in an ambulance and she had an emergency appendectomy.

    Some GP's/locam's are just rubbish.

    My mum complained and the locam is no longer used by our doctors surgery although I'm sure he's employed by others.

    If your surgery has more than one GP working there, ask to see another, otherwise go back and see your GP and make it clear you want a proper and concise answer about what you can do to help, there's always something you can do.

    You could write a letter of complaint or ring NHS Direct and ask for their advice about your problem and then armed with this advice go back to your GP and explain to him what NHS Direct have said.

    If it gets past the point of a GP's help obviously you know to go to a hospital, but make sure to complain afterwards, if the doctor had done his job properly, you probably wouldn't have ended up at the hospital in the first place.

    (I'm answering as if it's a minor problem, if it's major, then find another doctors surgery or ask to see another  GP at your surgery)

  8. yes

  9. I am English just walk into another doctors you can tell them that you are not satisfied with your own doctors answer  (you don't have to disclose his or her name if you don't want too) but you will have to give him your full medical problem and any problems which maybe related to it in the past

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