
Has anyone looked into Church History from an unbiased view.?

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By that I mean not getting a book by someone with a clear agenda.

I did, I researched church history and the first time the Catholic Church is mentioned is around 100ad when John the apostle had a disciple who wrote about it. Email me and ill get you the links.

In 100ad and earlier all the teachings, practice, serivce in the church Jesus started was in place, all without a bible apart from the old Testement.

Did you know the old testement jesus used contained the books martin luther took out.

Did you know that the book of James references these books.

Did you know that the catholic mass looks almost the same as it did 2000 years ago.

Fact is fact, when you look at history you come to terms that many of the Christian denominations while well meaning have very little to do with christ and more to do with emotion.




  1. The life of the early church has not been documented very well because we don't have much to go on, but they did indeed have the documents we would call the New Testament from the git-go. I'm amazed you would say otherwise. Where on earth do you think these docuemtns were? The Churches were reading them at their services, and passing them along to one another.

    Martin Luther didn't take any books out of anything because he didn't have the authority to do so. He did not care for the Letter of James, but so what?? James has some nice passages in it, but nothing that isn't covered elsewhere, including faith and works (Tkae a gander at Matt 25 before you have a stroke out of indignation).

    Did you not realize that James was always, always suspect?? It almost didn't get included. Same with several other books.

    When you refer to the Bible Jesus used, why not come right out and say the Septuagint? Yes, it has those pesky books that don't usually get included in the Protty Bible, but again, SO WHAT???  You can't show me one single thing that's in the Apocrypha that isn't covered better elsewhere. I will grant you that it has some superb texts, but nothing that is essential to the Christian faith.

    By the way, you are mistaken if you believe the Septuagint is the basis of the Old Testament we have today. The basis of the Old Testament is the Masoretic Text. First of all, it is the source from which the Greek version in the Septuagint was translated. Secondly, while the Masoretes produced a very carefully edited Hebrew text, there is no such text for the Septuagint. All we have are various partial sources, with lots of differences.

    "Fact is fact", eh? Much is based on scholarly opinion. You will find erudite scholars on both sides of many tough questions. Forget your dreamings about "fact." We just have to weigh the evidence and do the best we can.

    I wish you would be a bit more objective -- even perhaps truthful -- when writing your well-intentioned missives.

    There's a reason we don't include all of those very nice books (There are lots more, e.g., the Shepherd of Hermas, the Didache, to name a couple really good sources) They had to draw the line somewhere, and what is not in the Bible is not all junk; we just have to draw the line somewhere, and the Apocrypha are absolutely wonderful texts and absolutely non-essential.

  2. hmm ur not right

  3. Church History has errors in it. I don't trust everything it says. Peter isn't the first pope. Revelations is the Last Book of the Holy Bible.

  4. yes, that's why i know the catholic church is a cult.

  5. I have.  I've studied the rise of Christianity from a historical point of view and studied the growth of the sect in its historical context.  It's fascinating and made me wonder where all the lies of the "official" histories, both of the Catholics and the Protestants, came from.

  6. Isn't "unbiased" a bit of a misnomer since we never can fully set aside all that we are when we do research?

  7. there are other facts that are noy so good


  8. Did you know that Dr. Martin Luther was alive AFTER Jesus?

  9. The Old Testament Jesus'? the Old Testament is the book of the Jews who worshiped Yahweh. King James was a high level ranking mason. The first Catholics were the crusades and they murdered thousands of innocent people in the name of Jesus. Jesus is not the Old Testament God!

  10. One of the most unbiased books I've ever read about the early church history was Peter De Rosa's, 'Vicars of Christ'. It's honest and open but offended many because he spoke the truth. And that was from an historical viewpoint!!

  11. over the years, i found out some stuff about church history and it caused me to take another look about my religion at the time.  i am now a metaphysical lightworker, with yet still a belief in Jesus.  what mainly changed was my view of the bible.  so now, i go by what i feel God speaks to my heart and not what i read.  i would like to look at the links you have.  send them to me, please.  thanks and blessings to you.

  12. Jesus was a Jew. Jews don't believe him to be the messiah, they just think he was a decent man.

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