
Has anyone lost weight with wellbutrin?

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Has anyone lost weight with Wellbutrin and if so how much? Did you stop eating as much or did it just come off on it's own? Actually I talking about the generic wellbutrin 100 mg a day?




  1. Wellbutrin is not a medication that should be used for weight loss alone. It is also not recommended for those who have eating disorders.

  2. Wellbutrin is know for causing weight loss. Both brand name and generic have the same active ingredients which makes the side effects the same for both.

    Here is what the wellbutrin website says -

    "The most common side effects with WELLBUTRIN are weight loss, loss of appetite, dry mouth, skin rash, sweating, ringing in the ears, shakiness, stomach pain, agitation, anxiety, dizziness, trouble sleeping, muscle pain, nausea, fast heartbeat, sore throat, and urinating more often."

    You can eat as much, or eat less, the weight loss could happen. Your appetite might decrease which causes weight loss.

    You might want to look at what is going on with you. If you have depression you are likely not eating as much which can cause weight loss.

    I have had clients that lost 5-10 pounds on it. They usually don't loose more than that unless they change their eating habits to consuming fewer calories and increase their exercise.

    One more point that just came  to me, if you are dealing with depression, or SAD, or even bipolar which all could have Wellbutrin prescribed for, exercise is also helpful. Getting sunlight is helpful as well. For both 20-30 minutes a day is enough to cause in increase in serotonin which is one of the chemicals in the brain that is out of whack.

    Best Wishes!!!

  3. Not everyone will lose weight on Wellbutrin but some people do. You do have to eat less but because Wellbutrin makes you less susceptible to cravings (which is why it helps people quit smoking) it's easier to give up snacks and stuff.

  4. My aunt lost 5lbs a month but she ate a lot still

  5. I take generic Wellbutrin SR (150 mg) in the morning, and Lexapro (10 mg) in the evening, and I've lost some weight this year - the last trip to the doctor office, I was 8 lbs lighter.  So, not much - but still in the right direction!

    I eat about the same amount, but I think taking the Wellbutrin SR in the morning helps me to be more active, and feel more like doing things.  The Lexapro makes me feel more docile - and taking it in the evening I think helps me sleep better.

  6. Well I would have if I hadn't been taken off of it. It is know to decrease your appetite and it did for me but I had an eating disorder and your not supposed to on this med if you have an eating disorder.  

  7. It really depends on your chemistry and if you are taking any other medications along with it.  For me I didn't lose any weight.  But I'm also 40 and my metabolism has gone way down... :(

    Also, 100 mg is a low dose so I don't think it would make much of a difference...

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