
Has anyone made a t-shirt quilt? Need info.?

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Has anyone made a t-shirt quilt? Need info.?




  1. I've made these, both for friends and for profit.  The best instructions I have found are here:

    The best tip I can give you is to use a rotary cutter with a self-healing mat and straight edge to cut t-shirts, fabric and fusible interfacing.  This will give you straighter cuts in shorter time than you can do with a scissors.

  2. What info do you need? Back each logo with an iron on light-weight fusible for sturdiness. Cut each logo to the same size. Add sashing strips,(I use cotton for stability), and sew into rows, then sew rows together. Layer, baste, and quilt like a regular quilt from there. Once I decide how big my logo squares are going to be, I cut a cardboard template that size, and then cut the middle out so I know the logo is centered, I know they are all the same size. Dont forget to add 1/4 inch to your measurements for seam allowances. Hope this helps, if you need a more specific answer for something, dont hesitate to ask.

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