
Has anyone made dolmades?

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Are homemade dolmades really better than the ones I get from the Greek restaurant? It seems like they are a great deal of trouble to make, which I don't mind, but I want to make sure it's going to be worth the effort. Does anyone have a recipe they like?

Also, does anyone have a great recipe for Avgolemono? I don't want to use anything canned, I want to make it from scratch. I had a friend who made it and it was excellent. I would also be open to purchasing a Greek cookbook if someone can suggest a really good, authentic type book.




  1. I'm determined to pick the grape leaves in my yard this spring before they get too mature and tough to make tender vine rolls.

    I just roll them around some spiced cooked rice before I simmer them. This is similar to the way I make cabbage rolls.

    The Muse

    P.S. ...and I'd ask that friend for the Avgolemono recipe.

  2. Cat Cora has a good recipe for Dolmas , Made it last week actually.

    They are really easy to make

  3. Yes I have made them many times, mostly the vegetarian ones but sometimes with chicken and pistachios for a special occasion, sorry my quantities are a bit vagues as i don't measure as this is the way I was taught

    you'll need a packet of pickled leaves soaked in hot water or fresh ones blanched

    1- 1 1/2 cups medium grain rice

    1 finely chopped onion

    1 large handful of finely chopped flat leaf parsley

    about a table spoon of dried mint

    1/4 tomato puree


    juice 4-5 lemons

    1 head of garlic

    1/4 cup olive oil

    mix rice, onion,parsley, mint, tomato and pepper until you get an even mix

    place vine leaf on a board (stalk toward you and veins on the leaf upwards) put a teaspoon or a bit more depending on the size of the leaf of rice mix on the base of the leaf and fold up

    then fold the side in and finish rolling up. Keep going until finished.

    In the base of a large pot place a plate put the halved garlic and any leftover or damaged leaves on the bottom then pack the dolmades tightly into the pot (must be tight otherwise they will break apart) add lemon juice on oil, cover with another plate and cover with hot water. Bring to the boil then turn down to a simmer 1- 1 1/2 hours.

    Delicious hot, warm or cold

  4. OK avgolemono it is a Cypriot food they are Greek Cypriot but they have differences in there way of cooking....

  5. Stuffed vine leanes, yummy, I buy canned, best!!

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