
Has anyone made their own wedding rings? How did you like the experience?

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Has anyone made their own wedding rings? How did you like the experience?




  1. Are you talking about something like turning your own out of stainless? That's not for the experience of making the rings (it's slow and tedious), but so that you can have your own extremely unique rings later in life.  

  2. ..... it was very good and till date we feel the sensation.

  3. My best friend just went through this Expensive, Nightmare!   She had diamonds from Mom, grandmother and rubies from another ring.  The biggest problem was finding a good jeweler who can make an original mold..or so she thought she found.  

    She went to a reputable jeweler, who charged for a re-evaluation of all stones (she just had one done elsewhere for security), sat for hours with her and fiance making drawing of ring she wanted and what stones where. Came back 3 months later, nothing right.  Another 2 months, still not right.  She ended up accepting something she is not happy with because it was now too close to wedding and needed the ring.  Whole process took 7.5 months and she never had 'engagement' ring, until right at wedding.

    I found her 'original' ring on a website.  All the guy did was enlarge a prong or two.  

    Total cost for this fiasco=$1,480 and remember, she furnished all the stones!

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