
Has anyone mixed math u see with five in a row?

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How do you feel about both of these? And maybe together? Any suggestions would be great. Please I am only looking for advice not your comments on the evils of homeschooling, I was homeschooled until 8th grade, it was an awesome education....




  1. The two are my favorites.   That's what we used for years.  Still do actually for one of my girls.  It covers SO much!

    You can use FIAR for your printing/writing without any problems.   *sigh*  The memories that come up with that are wonderful.

  2. I think they'd go very well together.  MUS is very conceptual, and especially in the younger grades, really doesn't take much time.  It's a very hands-on approach, and the instructor/author (Steve Demme) approaches math instruction with almost a storytelling-like attitude.  He really engages the kids and makes learning math fun.

    I didn't know about FIAR when my son was that age, so I didn't mix the two, but I think they'd work fine.

  3. They are for completely different subjects, aren't they? I thought FIAR was a language arts program?

    If FIAR has a math component and you'd prefer to use MUS, then go for it.

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