
Has anyone moved thier baby from cosleeping to their own crib successfully at or around 1 year old?

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Please explain how. Thanks!




  1. Yes but she cried a lot. What worked the best was rocking her to sleep and then putting her in her crib. Another way would be to wait a few months and get her a toddler bed and make her feel like she is now a big girl.

  2. i moved my baby into a crib at 6months what you do is when they have nodded of with you pop them in there crib then when they wake up they will be in a crib keep repeting this until there used to it works a treat

  3. you should just let them take daily naps in their crib, and show them their crib alot.. then try a couple times to put them down in it to sleep

    nd they probally wont like it at first

    but just keep trying

    im a fulltime nanny so i know a thing or two about babies,

    and you really important thing is you should have made this transformation at about 5 or 6 months because now it is going to be harder.. :(

  4. Ok if they are cosleeping and just fell asleep wait a few minutes to make sure they are asleep. Then If they are sensitive to movements then you can try to pick them up and if they wake up then gently rock them. when they lay down carefully hold them in the position most comfortable for them and lay them down! if they wake up again try rubbing their back or rocking them again if you have problems you can email me at thanks!!

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