
Has anyone noticed a similarity among anime cartoons, lately?

by Guest57857  |  earlier

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Ok I have been watching multiple anime shows that have hit America and I have moved on to the subbed episodes for most of them, and I have been realizing that THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME CHARACTERS/THEMES/STORLINES!

I find this so ridiculous that for three popular anime shows, Naruto, Bleach and Kiba, they must all have the same artist/creator.

Here are some redundant characteristics they all have in common that I have noticed so far:

-there are 3 prominent characters: the rebel that seems to have bleached or oddly colored hair that separates them from the rest and is the most powerful (naruto, ichigo and zed), the one that desires to be stronger despite his limitations and eventually sets off on a quest alone to seek that power, usually having black hair (Sasuke, Ishida and Noa), and the girl that is the weakest among the three and deep down she admires and loves the rebel. (Sakura, Rukia and Roya)

-the story line is about the same, the three are a group with powers and fight other territories/ groups, but in the end the two males in the threesome will fight it out to see who is the best (even though I have not gotten that far in bleach)

-there are other similar characters that resemble each other, like the ones who train them/mentors, the guy who helps in the time of need but isn't really a main character and the powerful enemy, that ends of being not too evil, just misguided and power hungry.

Are there any other shows that follow these same themes?

I mean if you look at the story line and not focus on the specific powers, I am sure there are more similarities... and I want to know why they share the same themes and characters. Can they not find new storylines and actually be original for a change? Even they are all GREAT anime cartoons, I wish something new and different would come out. Does anyone agree and also I am looking for new shows, are there any suggestions that don't resemble these three?

…and sorry this is so long, but I just had to voice this opinion. After watching two shows that resembled each other I thought it was just a coincidence but after seeing the third, it really started to become too much, AM I RIGHT OR DO YOU DISAGREE?




  1. shut up

  2. Well anime all ghas similar styles though shows aren't done buy the same team here is a list of good animes

    1.Ergo Proxy

    2.Cowboy Bebop


    4.Outlaw Star

    5. Paranoia Agent

    6.Perfect Blue

    7. Desert Punk

    8. Yu-Yu Hakisho

    9. HunterXHunter

    10. DBZ


    12. GTO

    13. Monster

    14. Samuri Champloo

    15.Beck Mon...

    16.Hellsing (especially)


    18. Gundam (Orig. MS, Turn A, Zeta,)

    19. Furi Curi (fooly Cooly)

    20. Lupin III

    21. Detective Conan

    22. Welcome to The NHK (Recomend)

    23.Black Lagoon

    24. Ghost in A shell

    25. Princess Mononoke

    Akira is a lot different style sice it was made in 1980's very good infact it is what made anime into a big thing in america

  3. what i don't understand is why anyone watches it.

    the animation as horrible.

    there's a mouth open and mouth closed that they flash back and forth between, and nothing else changes.

    since i don't watch any of it, there's no way i'd notice similarities.

    however, as bad as they are, what's to be surprised about?

    the obvious objective is to spend the minimum $ making them and still attract attention.

    the fact that they're on at all indicates the incredibly immature expectation of the American public.

  4. Well all anime sucks no maatter what. But i really miss old school nickelodeon:((((((

  5. You have your suggestion, and that's that. What's to argue pointlessly.

    Sure, I've seen many simularities, but I don't hate anime because of them. I've seen a lot of characters that have the same habits, characteristics, and probably some tastes in food, clothing, hair style, etc.

    Anime that are simular to your description:


    One Piece (a little bit)

    Dragon Ball/Z/GT

    I think you should watch Death Note. It has original stuff. You'll like it because the characters don't have the same simularities as other characters. This is part of the reason why Death Note is very popular from other anime like Bleach, and Naruto. The plotline is also different too.

    Never watch the Romance or shojo anime. Too many simularities, and its too predictable for your tastes.

  6. yeah the pretty much are the same but I love naruto but thats about it  

  7. If your so peed-off about the anime types, maybe you should send in a stroy line to someone.

    The reason their usually the same, is because so many people watch them, so their obviously going to get views for it and people will buy them. Unlike if it was something strange like a dog that eats human hands, something no one would think of, then not many people would want to watch/see it, making it a less profitable thing to come across. The anime has to relate to realife things,or supernatural stories, like dragonballz, naruto etc.

  8. i know how you feel that happens a lot in even different categories of anime. but that is very annoying and i like it when i can find something with the same theme like romance or action or comedy but if it has the same story line i wont watch it at all because its basically the same,and there are only little differences but nothing big so it is like watching the same anime over again but different faces. but really is creepy that you found three anime all alike each other. so i have to say you are right. if you are looking for another anime there are tons out there you might not now it but there are tons so look up like top 100 best animes in the theme you like sci-fi action super natural romance etc. and just keep looking for more by each list that is what i have  doing and it works.

  9. Dude, watch Trigun, it is awesome. try wolfs rain too.

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