
Has anyone noticed an increase in tiny flies at this time of year?

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Every morning when I get up the big window in the kitchen is covered with them. I bought fly killer and it does get rid of them but the next morning the window is covered again. What is causing these and how do I get rid of them? Do you think it might be something to do with all the heavy rain we are having every week here in the Republic of Ireland?




  1. it is probably all the rain we are getting that is shrinking the big one's .lol

  2. Yes i have, I believe it's just a seasonal thing like flying ants at the end of july or Crane flies in September. We still have those annoying little fe**ers to come.

  3. I have noticed an awful lot of Mozzies this Year they are the Bluebottles, the Big Flies as well as the small Gingy little ones. They are very annoying,they are always Flying around at Meal Times. When you go up to the Toilet there always seems to be  one that follows you in, and you just have to Swat the thing to stop it annoying you.They seem to be attracted by the Light on the Glass in the Kitchen Window in the Morning time. We have had a lot of Rain this Year in Ireland, and Britain as well. It has not been  Cold at all,and we have had nice Sunny Days as well but they are outnumbered by the Rainy Days. Heat and Misty Rain seems to attract them, Global Warming.

  4. We call them 'thunder bugs'.

    They are doing a lot of harvesting this week ... could be coming off of the crops.

  5. Over here in South Carolina they are really bad. When I'm gardening outside there are so many at times I just give up and go back in the house. I have some in the house too. I thought it was from some fruit I bought but they are outside too so I don't know where they are coming from. They are much worse this year than the past couple of years. It could be because of the rain I'm not sure but I can't wait until they are gone.

  6. I get those in my bathroom.  Ewwww, wonder what they're after, lol.

  7. Ya ive noticed this too..i think it is probably to do with all the heavy rain because ive never seen so many of them around before!

  8. moist damp weather can do that at this time of year.  

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