
Has anyone noticed how The Weather Channel ignores much of the country?

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We are having torrential rains in deep south Texas and they report nothing. They are totally repeating the Fay stormy weather in Florida.




  1. They tend to look for the places that are most affected by weather.  

  2. They usually do the opposite for my area. I'm in New Jersey and every time we get more than 4 inches of snow, all they do is focus on us. It gets kind of annoying after a while because all the local channels from NYC and Philly are doing is the same thing. So I do agree with you that The Weather Channel does ignore certain areas of the country for other events.

  3. The weather Channel reports what will get them the most viewers. It is viewers who provide ratings. Thus, if a tropical storm is happening in Florida and I am at risk, why tell me about Georgia or Colorado or Texas where nothing significant is happening? The Weather Channel has reporters and  people who are weather enthusiasts who report what is happening all over the country. Torrential rain may be able to capture ten seconds because it is not phenomenal during hurricane season. You expect it. But if there are mudslides or a bridge gets washed away, the latter may be worth mentioning. For the past two weeks I have been focusing on TS Fay, reading blogs and advisories and listening to weather reports. We have to get priorities straight and keep them that way.I pray you did not get flooded out and that the crops will flourish for a great harvest.

  4. They do alot of east coast reporting. I noticed it too.  I live in Chicago.  I noticed may be a 5 second check then back to the New England area.

  5. I have always found it strange that they would spend twice as much time telling you how nice the weather was in Atlanta, when I was stuck in three foot of snow in South Dakota.

    Then I found out that their office is in Atlanta.

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