
Has anyone noticed that our politicians only care about the rich and the very poor?

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and jobless? while the greater share of the population that is working and does not need handouts or is not super rich cant catch a break as it seems sometimes like policies ignore them altogether. Just as an example, if you dont work, you get free health care, but if you are a working stiff you have to pay high insurance premiums for health insurance for inadequate coverage. When the economy sours its the jobless they want to help out...while those of us who are still able to work and eek out a living are ignored. If you are getting foreclosed on, they are thinking of bailing you out, but if you are struggling but still paying your mortgage, you are ignored and they figure you are just fine cause you actually pay your mortgage.

When its time to give tax breaks and tax cuts and windfalls of course the filthy rich benefit the most from all that. I saw some stats recently that said that the number of billionaires and multimillionaires has grown exponentially in the USA since 1980.




  1. It's because it's all seen in very relative terms.  We tend to view things in extremes - either "rich" or "poor."  Also, politicians are better able to campaign by polarizing things like that.

  2. Ultimately both sides of the fence don't want a middle class. We are seen as a threat in their plan to start a one world government.

  3. INTERESTING  you should mention this!

    Have you ever heard of a well known Commentator named Lou Dobbs? He has a Program on TV daily (every day, 4pm. PST and a Web-site "Lou") he is VERY MUCH in tune with "WAR ON THE MIDDLE CLASSES"! He's written a Fantastic book, of the same name, about it. He is very Controversial and AGREES with you and people like 'us' who feel the same way!

    He also is very much AGAINST "Illegal Aliens" and the Damage they are doing/causing to our Economic, Social & Finacial situation. Especially pointing out that "ILLEGALS" do NOT like being called "Illegal Aliens"...they PREFER "Undocumented

    That's like calling Drug Pushers "Undocumented Physicians"...GO FIGURE! Here in California we are OVERRUN with "Illegals" regarding  Drugs, Murders & Street Violence.....Every evening on the News someone is being shot at or Murdered or IDENTITY Theft and I just wait to see the 'Surnames'...NEED I SAY MORE!!

    P. S. And they 'only come here for a better life'....My AZZ!

  4. The Democrats HAVE stressed the Middle Class Squeeze.

    I see they need to do it more so that people are aware of it.

  5. No, I don't agree at all.

    Eight year of Reagan and almost eight years of Bush II have almost completely dismantled all the social programs designed to help the poor of the twentieth century.

    The poor and the middle class are beginning to suffer as much as they did before the last Great Depression.

    We never learn from history.

  6. Yes I agree.  Its a republican thing.  The rich benefit and they pull along the poor (for the votes).  I have noticed so many poor voting republican.  They don't realize in the long run, they actually suffer.

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