
Has anyone noticed that their Postal Junk Mail (uk) has diminished somewhat?

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Mine defo has, and i'm wondering whats happening with a lot of joy, as the amount i used to get was disgusting.




  1. Great isn't it?

    Why do some charities send me money?

  2. Maybe your postie passes a skip before he gets to  you...mine is just the same.

  3. Hrmph! We must be getting all yours then!

    We get a stupid amount of junk mail - much more than we used too.

  4. Well, it's a LOT cheaper to send spam emails, so why waste 50p a letter sending post....

  5. You are quite right. I hadn`t given it a thought until you mentioned it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention

  6. I'm glad to hear that, I hate all that stuff.  I live on the other side of the pond from you, and it's got to be amazing the amount of resources the U.S. wastes in junk mail.  I get credit card offers and other nonsense quite frequently.

  7. We don't get as much as we used to, but I collect those that we do get, and then when I feel I have enough to make it worthwhile doing, I select one of them at random, put them all into an envelope and pop it into the post without a stamp on to the one that I have selected.  It gives me such joy to know that I am making them have to pay to receive bumpf that I didn't want...including theirs.  I do this with general and local election leaflets as well.

  8. Yeh.... they e-mail it instead!

  9. No.  It has INCREASED, even though the address I live at has been registered with the Mail Preference Service for years.

  10. Yes, I have noticed this too.  It has rather upset my plans for the environment, as I enjoyed burning them.

  11. yes i have also noticed this.  I think that it is because companies can get more coverage, and be more targeted for less cost by using e-marketing.  I am sure you will have noticed that as your postal jusk mail has declined, your email junk has increased?

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