
Has anyone noticed the date? 08/08/08?

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anyone out there got any predictions?




  1. yea

  2. i posted similar question under mythology yesterday. had some good answers. check them out.

  3. That was the first thing i noticed this morning.


    Tomorrow it will be 09/08/08

    & the dayafter will be 10/08/08

    of all the predictions, mine will surely come true. nodoutaboutthat.

    hi, hi, hei, hey!

  4. not really

  5. no

  6. no i hadnt noticed, maybe somethin will happen 8seconds after 8.08pm .. :)

  7. No why do people always forget the 2?


    6 means love sweetie. Learn about numbers.

  8. Its the end of the world........................until 09.09.09

  9. This date will only come up every 1000 years only.!!!

    The Lotto( Euro Millions) will be won .!!!

  10. Ya, in chinese is consider some lucky number for fortune. As 8 stand for wealth in chinese..

  11. It's technically 08/08/2008 :)

    I didn't notice, nor do I really care.

  12. yes its my birth-day dude

  13. Friend,

    almost majority have noticed it and in India there are a lot of marriages are being celebrated today ( 08-08-08 )


    So some are considering it auspicious.

    In China more than thousands are marrying today , as per news I read.

    But pundits say that from 28-8-08 onwards 5 months are not so good.

    And Natural calamities may happen.

    We have to wait and see.

    Let us hope only all Good will happen.

  14.   yes its lucky, so the chinese think, where have you been ,this has been mentioned since they got the olympics

  15. 8-8-08

    9,000 couples are getting married in Japan or China

  16. just been to birthday party was great

  17. Its lucky ^-^


  18. I noticed it, as I did all the other triple number days. I have no predictions and I don't believe its necessarily lucky or not. I was just in a good mood today but I think that was because I got some sleep last night and the weather was nice this morning,but the ppl at my job still got on my nerves as they always do!!

  19. Ummm I hadn't noticed. I think today is going to be a lucky day probably.:p

  20. I had an appointment at 8:00am on 8/8/08, so I'm hoping that was good luck? It'll be another day like any other!

  21. well done.

  22. Yes and tomorrow it will be 9-8-08

  23. its the olympics ceremony 08.08.08!!!

    obviously ppl noticed it!!!

  24. Yupp. Hmmm. Suposedly lucky. I predict the England will suck at this years olympics.

    have a great day!

  25. Oh yeah! I hadn't noticed that until now!

    Well, my dad's getting us all a chinease takeaway tonight so i guess thats lucky...right?

    No, maybe not...

  26. Nope, hadn't noticed it at all.

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