
Has anyone on here been to the Hotel Jerome in Jerome, Arizona and experienced a paranormal stay?

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I will be goin there in about a month and I have read up on it and all the happenings that go on there.... but has anyone had any personal experiences that they would like to share?




  1. I have not been out there, but my team has been wanting to book sometime out west in the Arizona area. I was thinking closer to Oct. or Nov. when it is a bit cooler and things here have slowed down a bit.

    I heard the entire town of Jerome was pretty active, so could be pretty interesting.

  2. no ,i haven't been there,but i think you should have a great time,enjoy!

  3. I stayed there once when I was a teenager, and nothing crazy happened.  Sorry!

  4. Joke, right?  Jerome is known as a ghost town in the sense that not many people live there any more (about 300 I think), not based on paranormal activity....

    ....unless you mean that the hotel smells musty....  :-)


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