
Has anyone on here ever had a pet hedgehog?

by  |  earlier

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if you have PLEASE please please email me - i have a question i need to ask that is very important.

if you comment saying i emailed you, then after we have talked i will choose you for best answer.





  1. No but i've had a few in the garden before, they really  love dog/cat food. I picked it up but they are absolutely infested with fleas so i wouldn't be too keen on having one as a pet!!

    **We do have a pet fox though !!!

  2. I emailed you

  3. yes i have 3 of them 1 male 1female 1 baby female.....and if you need help to take care of them just ask me.....i know everything about them

  4. yea kinda like sorta i feed foods for them and then when they finish they go.

  5. no srry

  6. hedgehogs are no good as pets....

  7. well i wanted a sonic plushie

  8. yeh i have one but how do i email u?

  9. I have had a hedgehog.

    I'm just about to e-mail you :)

  10. Spiritual councellor, s*x doctor, and you have a pet hedgehog? Wow.

    No, sorry, never had one.  

  11. look for the web site I think it is called tiggywinkles

    p.s. found it the link is below, maybe you could hog sit for them as a volunteer in your area.

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