
Has anyone one on here traveled Mexico in a rv,?

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if so what advice can you give me on doing so?




  1. Iam traveling in Mexico right now.  I have been here for 2 months and plan to stay for 3 months more.  I have had no trouble with the people or anyone.  Iam right now south of cancun on the  beach.  It is really nice.  If you have more ?s feel free to email me.  Bill

  2. Hola.  Yes, my family and I R.V'd all over Mexico for years.  I have some general advice for anyone traveling in Mexico.

    First you must buy auto/RV insurance at the border as you cross.

    1. please don't drive at night. There are suicidal farm animals and drivers without headlights.

    2. Make sure you bring lots of extra water. Extra gas is good too because some stations run out. I'd also recommend 2 spares, and make sure your car/RV is in good working order.

    3. The road is quite narrow and has no shoulders. You will find that a convoy of semi trucks like to drive down the middle and you may come up on them suddenly. Drive defensively.

    4. Don't stop for anyone. Someone flagging you down could be a trick. Call 066, which is 911 in mexico, or tell someone at the next town. In certain parts of Mexico there is an emergency tourist service that patrols the road and will assist them!

    5. Don't go off the main road. Many people are robbed if you are off on your own somewhere deserted. Also you may get stuck in the sand. Plan where you will be pulling over or staying over.  Lots of RV parks, or plan for safety in numbers on a beach.

    Lastly, this is a great way to travel, meet the local people and immerse yourself in their culture.  You will find the people warm and charming and family oriented.  Head for the town's zocalo (square) to check out the nightly town action.

  3. zc

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