
Has anyone (or you) made up any weird nicknames for your baby before it even being born?

by Guest45457  |  earlier

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I showed my boss my ultra sounds results and on there it said "No free fluid in the pouch of Douglas"

So now the baby is known as "Dougie" regardless of what s*x it is, it will always be dougie to him.

Have you had anyone make up any weird nick names?




  1. kirby but we didnt end up nameing him kirby it was just for fun

  2. We called  our baby "Novotel" after the  hotel where we  think he was conceived on our honeymoon (like Posh and Becks calling their son Brooklyn)  until we found out he was a boy, then we called him by the name we had chosen for him.

  3. When my sister was first pregnant they called the baby Ziggy for Zygote.  WHen I was pregnant with my youngest we called him Toopy.  THen when he was born I called him Lil Pig because he ate so much and now we call him Squishy.

  4. Baby Milo! like the name of a clothing brand! hehe

  5. My baby is called Junior Burger.

    Don't really know why, my father just started it!

  6. thats soo cute.. yeah clare was clare bear before she was born... btw shes not mine

  7. My in-laws have taken to calling my son-to-be Blinky... it drives me NUTS!  I'm not sure why... it just does!

    But before that my Mother in Law called him Baby X - and that bothered me even more - I actually asked my husband to tell her not to call him that ---

    Maybe I'm just hormonal and sensitive... but baby x!?  UGH.

  8. My husband and I called our little "beaner" as a cute nickname for the commonly used "Baby Bean."  Then, my sister-in-law, who is really sensitive to these types of issues, got mad at us because she thought we were making a racial slur.  We hadn't even thought of that!  Whoops.  

    I also have a coworker who asks me every day, "How is Sarah and little Sarah?"  (meaning me and the baby).  It really creeps me out!

    But, as soon as we found out the s*x, we just started calling her by her name,

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